The Case Continues! THAT'S KAITO KID!?!

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"H-huh?" Jimmy stuttered taken off guard, What is it (your name)?" Jimmy asked, glancing over at you concernedly.

"What th- Can it- ehhhh?" You stuttered reaching a loss for words as you pointed to the monitor.

Jimmy and McGuire leaned over your shoulders and looked where your finger was pointing. They paused for a few seconds before blinking a few times as Jimmy stifled a laugh.

"Uh... what are you talking about?" McGuire asked you unsure of what you were pointing at.

You raised your eyebrow and pointed right at the white clad man on the screen, "Obviously I'm talking about this."

Jimmy burst into laughter as McGuire sweat dropped, "That is Kaito Kid, (Your name)." McGuire said calmly, "Isn't it obvious?"

"Eeeeeeh!?" you yelled in shock, your jaw dropping as you gave him a 'You-have-got-to-be-kidding-me' look. "THAT IS KAITO KID!?!" you squealed motioning to the guy on the screen.

"Yep! That is the notorious thief, Kaito Kid." Jimmy said after finally calming himself down.

"So you mean to tell me that... thing... is being so obviously retarded and flashy and the police have yet to CATCH him!?!"

Jimmy doubled over and broke into uncontrollable laughter, nodding his head.

McGuire sweat dropped and looked away while scratching his cheek with his pointer finger. "Uh... yeah?"

You silently steamed as your face turned slightly red. 'How DARE that idiot call himself a thief!? He's too flashy, and no inelegant thief should draw attention to himself!!! HE IS A DISGRACE TO THE NAME OF THIEVES!' You mentally screamed as you grabbed Jimmy and shoved the laptop back into his lap and sat down and pulled out yours. "Then let's catch him already!" you stated bluntly as you started furiously typing on your keyboard.

'Heh, and Rachel thought I was the one obsessed with detective work...' He nervously laughed to himself as he nodded and started typing on the keyboard of his own laptop.

The two of you worked with your computer all the while talking to the officers in the building and ordering them where to go and where to look.

On the other hand Kaito Kid ran from the following police men countless times, continuously being re-found. 'What is with the police today? They are more fired up than normal... or is someone helping them?' He thought as he dashed through another place he thought he could escape but, once again, they some-how found him and followed him again. 'They have to be getting help, they're normally not this good!' he mentally yelled as he turned a corner and jumped out of the air vent he had been in but closed it so the police would assume he just crawled further in.

You narrowed your eyes as you moved the camera and watched him land. You pulled down the microphone, "Attention all police, Kid is on the third floor, in the cafeteria. Apprehend him...ASAP!" You yelled, informing them where the missing Kaito had gone. They, in turn, quickly moving to the location mentioned.

Kid on the other hand sighed, "Finally lost them..." he muttered until he was blinded by a bright light.

"He's over here!" A police officer yelled as he shinned his flashlight in Kaito Kid's face.

Kid's eyes widened as he resembled something similar to a deer in headlights. 'WHAT THE HECK!?' he mentally screamed as he ran off once again.

"He's getting away!!!" the same police officer yelled as he began chasing Kid.

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें