NOTHING in this Day is How it Seems.... AND NOT IN THAT KIND OF WAY!!!

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The alarm was going off for the third time, never having been shut off. Amy ran to your room. She didn't know why you weren't getting up. Recently she saw that you were actually excited to go to school. You were so chipper and you had actually started waking up... ON TIME.

Truthfully it kind of scared her and Damien how you seemed to be going through such quick 'mood swings' as they liked to call them.

Once Amy reached your room she threw open the doors, "(YOUR NAM-) she stopped when she saw there was no sign of any living thing in the room. "(Your name)?" she said more questioningly this time as she walked over to your night stand and shut off the (surprisingly non-broken) alarm clock. She got ready to leave when a piece of paper caught her eye. She reached over to your bed and picked up the note you had left.

~:The note:~

Dear Amy and Damien,
I woke up early today and couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to head out for school early.
See you latter,
(Your Name)

~:End of Note:~

Amy started to shake as she gawked at the note. "D-Damien!!!" she screeched.

Fast stomps notifying Damien was running towards the room followed by the slamming open of the door were heard. "What's wrong Amy!?" he asked worriedly.

Unable to form words, Amy just shoved the note into his chest.

Confused, Damien rose an eyebrow quizzically. He reached down and grabbed the note as his eyes skimmed over the paper.

Awkward silence followed for the next three minutes.

Damien slowly cranked his head over to face Amy as the two looked at each other with disbelief.

"S-she went to school... early..." Damien spat out, shocked.

It was strange. At first you were just in a good mood, happier. Then it escalated into you waking up on time to get to school on time and now you were going to school... EARLY! It was hard to believe, you were actually enjoying going to school!? Why? WHY!?

Amy shrieked and jumped back into Damien, "S-she even MADE HER BED!!!" she pointed to the perfectly made bed with a shaky finger.

Damien face palmed himself at the craziness of the make shift family. He hugged Amy to calm her down, "Don't worry, I am sure there is a reason why she is acting like this." he reassured with a comforting smile.

Amy paused before looking up at Damien with an absolutely mortified expression, "She must have been abducted and replaced by aliens!!!"

Damien sweat droped at this. "Doubt it." he said calmly.

"B-but if it's not aliens why would she..." she trailed off. Then a sparkle flickered in her eye, "IT MUST BE A BOOOOOOOOOY~!" she cheered.

Damien's eyes widened. "Wait...what!?"

"Oh my gosh... she grew up so fast!" she screeched before randomly sitting down and whipping away a small tear. She then pulled out a small notebook and started writing, "So (your name) is going to go on her first date at the karaoke house or the mall... then they will fall madly in love!"

"After one date?" Damien asked mockingly.

"Of course! That's how all the love stories go!" Amy squealed and continued writing in the notebook. "Then they will get married and she will wear a dress from (random company) and her trail of her dress and veil will be the same length! Then the main colors will be black and white with blue... oh and there will be lots of roses~" she squealed even more.

"Wait, she's already getting married!?" he gawked.

Amy ignored him and continued her fantasy tale. "Then for their honeymoon they will go to the Bahamas and stay at (random really expensive hotel)... Then they will have... YES! They will have SIX KIDS~!!!" she fangirled as she cheered and slammed the notebook closed in conclusion.

"S-SIX!?" Damien nearly choked.

"Yep~" she hummed as she wrote the words "(Your name)'s Future" on the front cover of the notebook.

"Some days I just can't handle you Amy..." Damien sighed and hung his shoulders as he gave a nervous laugh.

~:Back to you!!!:~

You exited the cab and payed the taxi driver your fee and closed the door. The taxi drove off and you walked into school. You walked through the abandoned hallways and walked to your classroom. You paused for a second before opening the door slowly, half expecting someone to be there... but no one was. Heh, what where you thinking? What teen would (willingly) come to school this early!?

You sighed as you walked over to your seat and put your bag down next to your desk. Taking your seat you watched the scenery before feeling the tiredness from waking up early (and from sitting in a dark class doing nothing) taking it's toll on you.

You rested your head in your arms on your desk as you let yourself drift off into a light slumber. Really you hadn't planed on being here so early, but it wasn't really like you had much of a choice after what happened at lunch yesterday...

~:Flash Back:~

"Heh, some great detective you are." Rachel scoffed.

"What!?" Jimmy said, nearly dropping his chopsticks, "What are you trying to say Rachel!?!" he asked angrily.

Rachel just rolled her eyes, "Well it's not like the 'great detective Jimmy Kudo' can even solve the mystery of why he can't come to school on time."

"Tch..." Jimmy looked away, he didn't have enough time to come up with a witty comeback. "It's not that big of a deal..." he muttered.

"What!? Of course it is Jimmy!" Rachel nearly yelled. "Look! Even (Your name) has started coming on time now!" she said motioning to you.

"Huh? Really!?" Jimmy said, looking at you for a reply.

You just stared at the two of them as they waited for you to respond. You took your time chewing your food to drag it out.... make it more suspenseful. Then you finally swallowed. You gave a slight cough and then raised your arms up to the side of your head in a playful / defensive way. "Don't drag me into this." you chuckled.

"See it's no big deal!" Jimmy smirked.

"No! (Your name)-chan! Tell him time is important!" she pleaded.

You hummed slightly... then a thought popped into your head then you smirked slightly at the thought. "Jimmy?" you addressed him.


"What's better... arriving at a murder scene shortly after it happened or hours latter?" you asked casually.

Jimmy laughed, "Why of course it's usually better to arrive there as soon as possible while the scene is still fresh, it gives less time to try to cover up the crime and cover their tracks." he concluded. Strange... he thought you would know something like this... being a detective fan and all...

"Right." you replied calmly. "So Jimmy... arriving at places on time or early is a good and helpful thing correct~?"

"Ah..." Jimmy muttered... now seeing what you had done. He watched the corners of your mouth turn up ever so slightly.

You. Had. Him. Trapped.

Jimmy gave a sigh, "Yeah. I suppose." he muttered regretfully. Upset that he had allowed himself to get trapped into saying EXACTLY what you wanted to say.

Rachel jumped up. "That's right!" She gave you a hug. "Thank you so much~" she said.

"It's no problem." you replied calmly (you still had to be careful not to stray too far from your 'smart sickly' kind of act).

"Sheesh (Your name)... you really know how to crush a guys pride~" Jimmy whined with a faked childish pout.

You gave him a sheepish smile, "Sorry, but I didn't want to get on Rachel's bad side~" you whispered.

"That I can understand." he whispered back simply. The two of you nodded your heads at each other in agreement. No person in their right mind would want to end up on the receiving side of one of Rachel's blows.

"Though it would have been better if you could get Jimmy to admit to it WITHOUT the use of a detective reference." she sighed. "Some days I swear you two are obsessed with your detective stories.

Both you and Jimmy whistled and avoided eye contact. You definitely didn't know who she was talking about, nope~

Rachel just sighed before laughing slightly. "Anyways, since you both seem to understand the importance of being on time let's have some fun tomorrow! (Your name), you come in early. Jimmy come in exactly when school officially opens and I will come on time." she stated simply.

You choked on your rice and Jimmy spat out his drink like a fountain. "WHAT!?" You both yelled simultaneously and looked at Rachel like she was insane.

"No way!" Jimmy said bluntly, whipping his mouth.

"But Rach-" you started to protest but then...

Rachel punched her fist into the floor of the roof and smiled up at you two, but her aura betrayed her facial expression. "You both are going to do it... right!?"

You and Jimmy both nodded you head insanely fast, "Yep totally gonna do it!" Jimmy said quickly.

"Yay~ Coming to school early~!!!" you added in quickly

Rachel calmed down and sat back down, "Good." she said with a smile.

After that you all continued with your lunch.

~:End of flash back:~

A while after you had been sleeping, Jimmy was coming and walking through the halls with his arms behind his head, "Heh, I'll show Rachel! I can come to school on time if I want to." he scoffed remembering how Rachel had (in his mind) mocked him yesterday. He quickly walked into the classroom ad then spotted you sleeping at your desk. He had almost forgot that you had been told to come even earlier then him... he couldn't even begin to imagine. He quietly walked over towards you, being careful not to wake you up. He sat down quietly backwards in the seat in front of you so that he was facing you.

He rested his elbows on your desk and his cheeks in his hands as he looked down at your sleeping face. 'Heh, poor (your name). I can't even think about how horrible it must have been to have to wake up so early.' he pitied mentally. Before he knew it he got lost staring at you.

He looked around the class to see it was still empty and he gave a small smile as he looked back at you.

He slowly leaned down closer to you as you slept.

And then something unexpected happened...


You shot up with eyes that seemed to threaten to pop out of your head. You were so shocked you nearly fell out of your seat, but felt yourself get cached by something before hitting the floor. You peeked an eye open to see Jimmy holding you and smirking his normal know-it-all smirk down at you. "Yo, you awake now?" he asked sarcastically.

You narrowed your eyes at him to which he just snickered. "Common now, you don't want to be asleep when Rachel comes~" Jimmy helped you back up strait into your seat when Rachel came bursting through the doors.

"Is everyone okay, I heard a loud noise!" she exclaimed.

"Were fine Rach." Jimmy laughed.

You fake sobbed, "Rachel! Jimmy was being a jerk~" you complained.

Rachel shook her head and sighed, "Jimmy being a jerk? Sounds about right." she muttered.

"Hey wai-"

"Jimmy the Jerk." you muttered.

"Jerky Jimmy." Rachel added in.


"I don't know which one is better..."

"Both are good."

"Jimmy the Jerk." you both said simultaneously as you glared daggers into Jimmy.

"H-Heh... Now now girls-" Jimmy laughed nervously, backing away from the two of you.

Rachel looked over and gave you an apologetic look. "I am so sorry for leaving you alone with that jerk, (Your name). I should have thought things through a bit more..." she sighed.

"No problem, I can deal with jerks... just not Jimmy..." you said quickly.

"Oi! Oi!" Jimmy yelled, "Still here girls!" he said with a small wave of his hand, annoyed that you were talking about him while he was there.

As Jimmy and Rachel began bickering and students started coming into the class you let your mind wonder aimlessly.

Eventually classes ended for the day and you were getting your stuff to leave when Jimmy approached you. "Uh, (Your name)?" he asked to get your attention.

Apparently it worked as you looked at him giving a small "yes?" to tell him you were listening.

"You know how I said I would take you with me on a case?"

This time you said "yes" with an eagerer tone.

Jimmy pulled out his cellphone to make more of a point. "I got a call from my friend, McGuire, and he said that a new Kaito Kid case was going to happen soon so I somehow managed to get us in. I thought it would be better since Kid cases don't involve murder and such, you know... less gore and all... Do you want to come along?"

You smiled up at Jimmy brightly, this would be your first case with him in a long time.

Well... technically this is (Your full name)'s FIRST case with Jimmy Kudo... oh well.

"Of course!" you said happily. Then you paused. You had heard of Kaito Kid through information that you most certainly didn't hear through the police devices you definitely did not bug... *cough cough* lies *cough cough*. The problem was you didn't know too much about this 'Kid' person. You hadn't bothered to look into him since you were busy attending school and well... moping around since you had no cases (since Jimmy had been stealing them all).

"Jimmy. Is Kaito Kid some kind of child thief?" you asked flat out. The name implied that... but it would be kind of sad if that was the case and that the police hadn't caught a simple child yet.

Jimmy laughed at this, "Nah, he's not a kid, though he may act like one at times."

"Oh... oh well. Were going on a case Jimmy!" you said happily.

Jimmy just smirked. "With the two of us on the case nothing can go wrong!" he added in.

He was laughing and you were chuckling. Rachel on the other hand was just sighing and shaking her head at you two muttering something like 'those detective obsessed geeks'.

Jimmy stopped and turned to face you quickly, "Come to the police station at 6 o'clock sharp tomorrow, okay?"

"Sure Jimmy." you replied as you slipped on your shoes.

"Great. See you latter than!" he yelled back quickly as he ran out of the school.


You opened the door to walk into your house when you were practically glomped by Amy who was squealing like crazy.

"(YOUR NAAAAAAAMMMMMME)~!" she said in an obnoxiously loud and squeaky voice, causing you to wince. You didn't know if your eardrums would be the same after this (>~<). Then, to your regret, she started talking again, "SOOOOO WHO'S THE LUCKY GU-"

Damien had seemed to appear from nowhere and had his hand placed over Amy's mouth to silent her. He gave a short and nervous laugh before pulling Amy off you. "Hehe, sorry about that. Welcome back home (Your name)."

You gave a sigh of relief when Amy was pulled off you. "Thanks Damien."

"No problem."

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Where stories live. Discover now