~Omake Cafe 2~

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Taijiya: Annnnnnnd were back!

Harley: Yay... the viewers must be sooooo happy... *said VERY sarcastically*

Taijiya: *elbows Harley in the stomach* Hahahaha! So! As I was sayin-

Harley: *grabs me by my jacket collar and starts shaking me* Oi!!! What was that for!!!

Taijiya: Hehe, Ima feeling dizzy~ *reaches towards Anonymous* I can't go on! Do it for me Anonymous~!!!

Anonymous: Okay~! *walks out of the darkness from behind one of the cafe pillars* Ello', Anonymous here to fill you in on a few things!

Harley: *still shaking Taijiya* Taijiya! You are such a freaking jerk!!!

Taijiya: And your such a useless side character~ (@-@)

Harley: *shakes Taijiya faster* What was tha-

McGuire: *slams hands on table* SHUT UP!

Taijiya & Harley: *stop and look over at McGuire while awkward silence fills the cafe*

Taijiya: He started it. *points at Harley*

Harley: O-oi! It's not true! She started it!

Taijiya: Did not!

Harley: Did to!

Both: It's your faul-

Rachel: *punches pillar leaving a hole in it* I believe McGuire told you both to be quiet so we can MOVE ON with this cafe episode! *smiles*

Jimmy: *sets his tea down* I believe... Anonymous was going to tell us something.

McGuire: Right!

Anonymous: *was about to eat a piece of cake and pauses mid-bite* Oh yeah! *finishes her bite of cake*

Jimmy: *sweat drops*

Anonymous: Anyways, the last two chapter are actually based on a real chapter from the series so we do not claim full originality for the idea!

Harley: Huh... I don't remember anything like that happening in case closed.

Taijiya: Course' not! It's from 'Magic Kaito'~!!!

*Huge explosion of colorful smoke*

???: Yeah, it's from my story~!

Jimmy: What th-

Kid: *emerges from smoke* Taadaaa~! I have arrived~!

Taijiya: Yay! Kiddo~ Welcome to my cafe~

Kid: Pleasure to be here!

Jimmy: What the heck is a thief doing here!?!

Anonymous: *glares at Kid muttering things like 'disgrace to thieves' and 'annoying' and so on*

Taijiya: Anyways! The story idea is from Magic Kaito's fourth book on chapters 3 and 4 if I remember correctly...

*me re-checking it on google*

Kid: Yep! Your right!

Taijiya: Yay~! Well that's all we have to say for now! Goodby-

Rachel: *places hand on Taijiya's shoulder* Wait a second Taijiya-chan, didn't you have something else to say?

Taijiya: Nooooo~ *looks away and whistles*

Harley: Just say it you wimp!

Taijiya: Fine fine!!! Look my dear readers, I apologize for the long absence!!! I am so sorry you had to wait so long, and thank you for waiting!!! I missed you and once more I am sorry!!! Please don't kill me~ Okay? I even made a long chapter AND an omake cafe for you~

Anonymous: Now that that's out of the way... Taijiya owns practically nothing except for some of the characters that she created and some of the plot!

Taijiya: A shame, I know~

Kid: But as a surprise and an apology gift, along with these two chapters she is working on a special surprise for all of you~!!!

Harley: Surprise!?

Jimmy: What is it this time?

*others start surrounding Taijiya*

Taijiya: *grabs onto Kid's arm* Do your stuff Kid!

Kid: Okay~! Bye then~ *causes a big explosion of smoke*

Taijiya & Kid: Thank you for reading and see you in the next Omake cafe~ *disappear*

Jimmy: Curses! They escaped!

Anonymous: Haha, that was kinda funny though~

Jimmy: *turns to Anonymous* And you! What are you, you need to learn how to help! Do things for the greater good and not to lie your pockets. You could be such a help to societ-

Anonymous: *cuts in on Jimmy* And that is my cue to leave! *runs away*

Jimmy: Wait! Anonymous! *chases her when Anonymous escaped by disappearing behind a pillar* DARN IT!

Emil: ... *sneaks over and flips the cafe's sign to 'closed'*

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Where stories live. Discover now