*IMPORTANT ~Omake Cafe? 5~

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//Hello readers of my fanfic! It has been brought to my attention that some of you were wondering when the result for what series shall continue and which will be on hold came out!

Alan: Yeah, when WILL they be posted anyways?

// *holds up paper* Now.

Jimmy: Wait… like NOW now!?!

// Yeeeeeeeep! And the results are…

Tsuna: *crossing finger* Please not me, please not me. I don’t want to be a mafia boss… please not m- GAH- *kicked on head by reborn*

Ciel: *simply sipping his cup of tea*

Anonymous: GET ON WITH IT!

// The favorites (according to comments) is in first place: Anonymous (the Case Closed fanfic)

Second place: Starting a KHR fanfic!

And last place: Truth and Lies so Who am I? (the Black Butler fanfic)

Ciel: *looks up from his tea* You don’t mean…

Malinda: It appears we are doomed.

Alan: Ah!!!! I’m too young to die!!!!

Malinda: We’re only being put on hold…

Alan: I’m to young to be put into a death like state!!!!! >^<

Ciel: *slams cup down on table* This is an outrage! Sebastian!

Sebastian: Yes my lord?

Ciel: Stop Taijiya immediat-

*all black butler characters freeze*

Jimmy: Ah!? What the heck!?!?!

//Well they got put on hold so this is what happens.

Tsuna: Iyeeeeeee!!! That’s not gonna happen to us is it!?

//Nah. I may start you up if Anonymous goes slow but your just back burner for now~

Tsuna: *sighs*

//Anyways tell us how it feels to know you are wanted?

Jimmy: Well as I like to say… only one truth prevails!

Anonymous: No kidding? Who wouldn’t want to be the fabulous me? Anonymous?

Jimmy: Oh let’s see… ME!

Anonymous: Hmpf! You are just jealous you aren’t me!

Emil: Oh! We get to continue? Maybe I can wake up from my coma one day… that would be nice haha~ ^^

Rachel: I was kind of concerned there but I’m glad people are enjoying the series!

Kid: Nah! They just like this story because I just appeared in it!

Anonymous: LIES! It’s because of ME!

Jimmy: Now now calm down we all know if there is any person people wanted this series to continue for… it’s me!

Harley: No way they are here for me!

Other three: YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!

*cue argument*

Tsuna: Wow… this is really crazy…

*cue argument turning into a fight*

Reborn: This is nothing for the future mafia boss. Go show them who is superior Tsuna. *kicks Tsuna into the middle of the fight*

//Ah well so there you have it, that’s how things will be working out. I will start working on the next Anonymous chapter and maybe a KHR one… not sure. Feel free to leave me a comment anytime! Byeeeeee~

Jimmy: One truth prevails and it’s me! Anonymous and Kid I shall take you n for questioning! *using handcuffs*

Kid: You’ll never take me!!! *smoke bombs*

Anonymous: It’s all about me~! *throws cards*

Harley: *throwing punches*

Tsuna: Eeeek! *shot with dying will bullet* REBORN! ESCAPE THIS MAD HOUSE WITH MY DYING WILL!!!! *runs out of café and door slams closed revealing the closed sign*

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Where stories live. Discover now