~Omake Cafe~

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Hiya there! Welcome to the first ever Omake Cafe for this series! This is where me and the story characters will update you on information and give announcements in a fun non-boring way!

You can also ask questions or request something from characters from the story (case closed characters and my Oc's from the story), me (the writer) or yourself (As in Anonymous sillies~).

Now about the story...
Yay, now we meet Emil! Emil is my Oc and your savor~
Or something like that.
He is there to let you have a dramatic past and maybe (?) be your reason for stealing. Who knows...
Cause I don't! >.< (or maybe I do? Oh well you will just have to read to find out~)

Eeeeh I don't think he will be part of the love triangle (though I'm thinking about it). He's kinda like Heiji in the way that he's a side love character...

Heiji: HEY Watch it!

|Hahahaha oh well! Hey Emil get out here!

Emil: *gives a kind smile to everyone reading* Hello everyone~

Heiji: hey aren't you supposed to be in a coma or something!?

Emil: Now that you mention it...

|Well you see I am the author and this is a magical space where I can do anything I want so if I tell Emil to come he will be here! And he will be awake if I so want!

Heiji: Oh... *sweatdrops*

Emil: Excuse me for asking but why did you call us here?

|Oh well you see that's simple. This is a meeting call for the unimportant side characters~!

Heiji: Hey! I'll have you know that I'm a great- *rambles on and on about how 'great and important' he is*

Emil: well that's hurtful... *looks upset*

|Oh sorry Emil! Don't worry about it your somewhat important you give reader-chan an important past!

Emil: Really?

|Yep! And don't worry, you'll never be as unimportant as Heiji over there!

Heiji: Say what!? *glares at Emil* You trying to take my role pretty boy!?

Emil: Eh- Um- Ah- heh... *falls to the floor and falls asleep*

Heiji: What the heck just happened!?

|Grrr seems like I can only keep him out of his comma for so long...

Heiji: Just get to the point so we can wrap this up already!

|Oh right! Good idea! Well the fact is I wanted to ask you all important questions~! Question one: do you want Heiji to be added in as a love interest?

Heiji: Heh, 'course they do.

|Yeah, yeah...
Question two: Do you want Emil a a love interest too or just a savior big brother kind of figure?

Well that's all! Feel free to comment your questions or requeats in the comments section so we can use them next time! Bye bye, see you next time in the cafe!

Heiji: It's an Omake.

|Just say bye already!

Heiji: Latter!

Emil: Zzzzzzzzz

Me & Heiji: ..... *pick up Emil and drag him out if the cafe with us*

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant