To First Aid Then!

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~: Recap (since it's been so long!) :~

You felt your hand hit something, a loud grunt, a thud and then an "OW!!!".

Jimmy and Rachel looked shocked (while Jimmy looked slightly amused) as they looked at the ground behind you. You quickly whipped your head around to look down at what your friends were looking at for your (eye color) eyes to lock onto the shinning blue ones of the brunette on the ground.

The brunette you could only assume you hit based on the big red mark on his face.

You held back your laugh as you bent down and grabbed his shoulder. "Oh my gosh are you okay!?" You asked, slightly worried about the stranger. I mean after all, you did back hand him in the face.

"If you call being back handed in the face at an amusement park 'okay', then yeah." he replied sarcastically as he rubbed his hand lightly on the red area only for a small bit of blood to trickle out of his right nostril.

"I'm sorry and..." you watched the blood run with wide eyes.

"And... he's bleeding..." Rachel said shaking her head.

"Good going (Your Name), whacked a random stranger in the face and gave him a nosebleed. Wanna mark that off of your list of things to do in the future?" Jimmy snickered and sent you a sarcastic smirk.

"S-shush!!!" You stuttered waving your arm at him before looking back to the guy on the ground. "Uh- errr- ummm-" you said as your eyes darted everywhere and anywhere. Sure you were used to inflicting some injuries but never had treated them for the person. And you most certainly never injured a random innocent civilian going to a theme park.

'Curse you goddess of luck for forsaking me!' You mentally cursed to the heavens when you saw a hand and looked down at the guy who had stretched out his hand. After an awkward moment of trying to think using your panicking mind, it finally clicked that you should probably help him up. You grabbed his hand and pulled, helping him rise up.

Once he was standing you gave him an apologetic bow. "I-I'm sorry!" you said again. The great and amazing Anonymous has been reduced to uttering words of apology, oh how you've fallen~!

The brunette chuckled. "It's fine~" he said with a big grin, causing you to sigh with relief. "But maybe you could take me to first aid?" he asked moving his hand to his nose, "Cause it's not stopping." he muttered as the blood, though slowly, was still continuing to flow.

You nodded your head. "Sure, we passed one on our way here!" you said, turning to Jimmy and Rachel. "I'll be right back then okay?" you said to them quickly as you showed the stranger the way to the bathroom.

"Oh! If you see someone with brown hair named Aoko looking for me, tell her I'll be back and I went to first aid!!!" The stranger yelled back to the two who nodded.

"Well... that was weird..." Jimmy said with a nervous laugh.

"Who would have thought that (Your Name) had such a nasty back hand..." Rachel laughed. "Since she sickly and all." she said with a sip of her drink.

Jimmy found that strange to, but just shrugged. "Maybe she just got a lucky shot, and I mean it's not like that guy looked the strongest. Kinda looked wimpy to me." he said with a smirk.

"Yeah I guess~" Rachel nodded.

~: End of Recap :~

While on your way to the first aid you kept getting pushed around and separated in the crowd, man was that annoying! Then you would have to go look for him and continue all over again!

After it happened for the 5th time, you were sick of it and grabbed the brunette by his wrist. "Stop getting lost will you?" You muttered as you led him towards first aid again, sometimes dragging him.

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Where stories live. Discover now