Back to School... Wait WHAT!?!

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You groaned as you reached over and waved you hand around trying to hit the snooze button. Still reaching out further and further until eventually...


You feel off off your bed and sat up groggily wrapped in your blankets, that had fallen off the bed along with you, oddly. You glared up at the place the noise was coming from to spot your alarm clock. But it wasn't in it's normal spot... who dared to move you clock!? You quickly reached up and grabbed the alarm, taking your anger out on the poor alarm by throwing it at the wall causing it to smash into thousands.

You smirked slyly to yourself and gave a content sigh. Then it finally settled in and face palmed yourself. Well... there went yet ANOTHER clock.

You mom ran into the room, "(YOUR NAME), HONEY ARE YOU OKA-" she looked over and spotted the alarm clock before sighing and shaking her head back and fourth, "And she has done it once again~" she mocked playfully.

"Ugh... I couldn't help it Amy, someone moved it and I fell out of my bed~!" you whined.

"Oh, eh, um... heh..." she laughed nervously and avoided contact. She was also twiddling her thumbs.

To a 'detective' like you... no, anyone could have told by how obvious she made it. She was the person behind moving your clock.

"Amy!" you fumed.

"I had to do it or you wouldn't wake up~" she chimed playfully.

"Amy, I hereby declare you guilty!" you shot up and pointed an accusatory finger at her.

Then Damien walked in, "Under what law would that be (your name)?"

"Under the law of my awesomeness of course!" you sneered.

A moment of silence...

The three of you broke out into tears, laughing and doubled over. When the laughter finally ceased Amy spoke back up.

"You better hurry up, you only have thirty minutes till you need to leave."

"Really!?" you panicked glancing over to look at the clock... oh wait, the clock wasn't there anymore.

Well it was there, just not completely. And it was only pieces so it wouldn't work... *sweat drop*

Amy wrapped you into a bear hug and Damien leaned over and kissed your forehead in a fatherly way. "Don't forget to get into character, (your name)." he stated simply before walking out of the room with Amy.

Okay, let me fill you in on the whole 'school' situation...

Since you were away out on missions, helping the police getting your big jewels as a reward (which was of course the best part!) you couldn't find any time for school. Not that you really thought it mattered, your IQ was well above the others your age and a even higher than a lot of people older than you.

To put it simply you were smart.

And that gave you good grades putting you at the top of your class, but since you were always absent you needed an excuse. So you were declared as 'very sickly'.

No, seriously, your paper's showed how sickly you were. And no it was not falsified documents. Your best friend simply was the daughter of a doctor, that's all.

Anyways, your long terms of absence we marked off as due to you illness and bad health. So you had to play the roll of the intelligent sickly kind of girl.

You know, be smart nice but the quiet type. All that?

Well you finished gathering ail your stuff and headed out and got driven to school.

As you walked into the class the teacher took a double glance at you, "O-oh (your name), welcome back." she smiled at you.

"Thank you sensei." You replied and calmly and bowed to her respectfully.

"Are you sure you are... well enough to come back yet?" she asked worriedly.

"I- I think so. I have been feeling quite better recently." You smiled at her reassuringly.

That is great to hear. Do you remember where your seat is?"

You nodded your head and walked back to your seat in the back of the room and unpacked your stuff for the next class. You sighed as you looked out the window and dozed of as class droned on and on. Then suddenly the door slammed open and a girl came in dragging a guy in by his ear.

"Ouch! Rachel that hurts!!" you hear a male voice whine. 'Wait... why does it sound so familiar?' you asked yourself looking up slowly.

"Just deal with it Jimmy! You can't keep skipping out on class so you can go play detective!" she yelled angrily.


You looked up to see a very angry teacher and glanced over to see a girl standing next the very Jimmy you knew!

"Ku-k- *cough* -do!" You yelled in surprise shooting up from your seat. You had almost called him by the nick name Ku-ku, but luckily the nickname was close enough to his last name (Kudo), that you could cover it up. Oh gosh, now you felt all weird for your sudden outburst, but you needed to cover it up soooo you know just what to say "As in the famous Jimmy Kudo the renowned up and coming teen detective?" you questioned, faking amazement.

If you needed to escape Jimmy noticing something, you knew inflating his ego would most likely do the trick.

Jimmy seemed to fall for it as he grinned and nodded his head, "The one and only!" he chimed.

The brown haired girl gave an annoyed sigh as she dragged the two back to their seats. He sat surprising close to you. You snapped back to reality when you realized most of your peers were looking at you, shocked by your sudden outburst. Oh right, you were supposed to be the calm sickly kid...

You gave a fake cough, earning a worried glance form the teacher, before sitting back down. Students whispered to each other until one of the guys in your class turned around to face you.

"Uh, excuse me for asking (your name)... but I thought you weren't the type of person to be into celebrities and such..." he trailed off as some of the other student's muttered their agreement.

You chuckled lightly and gave him a kind smile causing him to blush slightly.

"It's no problem at all. And no I am not really too big into celebrities."

"Then what about Kudo?"

You faked a shocked expression and covered your mouth with your hand giving a small gasp, "Oh, I am so sorry. Did I confuse you? It's not so much that I like Kudo, but more like I admire his work."

The boy gave an 'oh' in understanding before nodding his head, "so does that mean your interested in criminal cases and detectives and the such?" he asked curiously.

Time to lie and play the smart girl role.

You smiled slightly and began to go onto a intellectual rant, "Oh yes, I absolutely love such things. Just think of it...all of the thought put into the murder that it becomes a huge seemingly impossible puzzle! Then detectives come and slowly point out the flaws which could have been avoided. It's simply amazing, think of all the planning and intelligence needed to do either of these two parts. Oh speaking of intelligence, that refers to the brain. And did you know the brain's neuro are u-"

The boy chuckled and sweat dropped, "I think we get the point... you kind of lost us there with all your intelligence though..." he chuckled.

Acting embarrassed you looked down and twiddled your thumbs, "Oh I am so sorry..."

A girl walked over and stood next to you, "Don't be. We can see you like all the logic of case solving. It's not your fault that we can't keep up with your intelligence and big words~" she snickered, smiling at you reassuringly.

"R-really?" you asked.

"Of course!"

"Thanks you guys..." you sent another smile their way and they all smiled back. Then you suddenly jumped when you felt someone grab your shoulder.

The sudden action caught your really off guard, so you let an 'Eek' escape your mouth and covered your heart with your hand.

"Jimmy! Knock it off! You're going to give the poor girl a heart attack!!!" Rachel scolded, giving him a light punch to the shoulder.

"Ouch! That hurt Rachel~!" Jimmy whinnied childishly, rubbing his shoulder.

You turned around and saw the hand on your shoulder and followed it up till your eyes landed on Jimmy. "Oh... it's just Jimmy..." you gave a sigh of relief. "Sheesh, don't scare me like that..." you trailed off.

"Oh, uh... sorry about that..." he said quickly, pulling his hand from your shoulder and using it to rub the back of his neck in embarrassment from scaring you.

Then silence followed, a very VERY awkward silence. You liked the quiet, but this was much too awkward for your liking.

"So, did you need something Kudo?" You asked in an attempt to break the awkwardness.

Jimmy, glad for an excuse to lighten up the awkward situation smiled at you, "Yeah, I had a question I wanted to ask you."

Wait... what!? The 'great' Jimmy Kudo wanted to ask you a question? "Okay." you replied while giving a slight nod, signaling for hi to continue. You were curious to find out what he wanted to know.

"I was just wondering if you would want to come with me on a case some time!" Jimmy asked casually.

You nearly fell over from shock! You did that on a daily basis. 'Oh if only you knew Jimmy~' you chuckled to yourself mentally.

Then it was Rachel's turn again. "Jimmy are you insane! (Your name) isn't... in the best shape..." she said trying to say it as nicely as not to insult you.

Not that you were insulted. Since you weren't really sick and all... yet another minor detail.

She continued, "...and you want to take her to a crime scene? Full of blood and death that most people wouldn't be able to deal with!?" she concluded, looking at Jimmy like he was crazy.

"Oh." Jimmy just shrugged. "Well I thought she might want to come since she seems interested in it and all... plus she seems really smart so she might actually be helpful at the crime scenes." Jimmy stated as though he said nothing wrong, that goofy grin of his plastered on his face.

Oh how you missed seeing him smile... wait... What were you thinking!? 'Stupid mind.' you thought to yourself.

"Though if you don't want to go, I understand." a voice broke you from your thoughts. Noticing it was Jimmy you gave him a smile.

"Oh no, not at all! I would be happy to Kudo, just nothing too gory... I don't know if I would be able to handle too much blood." you replied staying in character. Of course you were used to blood but still, you needed to act like you weren't.

Jimmy's smile widened, "Great! Can I have your number?" he asked, holding out his phone for you to put your number in it.

"Sure." You took the phone and nodded. You began typing ad then noticed you had started typing Anonymous's cell number.

'Shoot!' you mentally yelled at yourself as you furiously started backspacing what you had typed.

Jimmy raised an eyebrow at this, "why are you deleting the number you had typed so far?" he asked curiously.

Wait how did he... oh right, he's a detective...

"Huh? What are you talking about?" you asked innocently.

"Well it's just that you started typing and I heard 7 beeps showing that you had typed seven numbers but then I heard 7 more beeps. This shows that you could not have been continuing to type your number since phone numbers aren't 14 numbers long." he stated calmly, "Plus with how fast the 7 beeps were it would be seemingly impossible to type a bunch of different numbers unless you were hitting the same key repetitively." he finished, ending his observation gaining some 'Oh's and such from the class.

You gave a nod and smiled up at him. "Yeah, I was deleting the number! You really are a great detective Kudo~!" you praised.

"Course I am." Jimmy laughed, "But still why were you deleting it (last name)?"

Thanks to your quick wits you came up with an excuse, "Oh, I just started accidentally putting in my home number but I wanted to put in my cellphone..." You lied.

Jimmy seemed to fall for it (since it sounded logical even though you came up with it from the top of your head) and he gave a nod. Then a big smile stretched across his face once more, "Okay then!" he said taking back his phone, "I'll call you as soon as I get a case and you can solve it with me!"

You gave a truthful smile this time remembering how the two of you work, well... kinda worked, together in the good old days.

Wait... that wasn't even that long ago! You mentally hit yourself over the head. "That would be wonde-" you started but then where interrupted.

"Oh no you don't Jimmy!" Rachel said, quickly pulling you into a protective hug, "There is NO way I am going to let you turn (Last Name)-san into a detective obsessed person like you!"

Jimmy fake pouted, "But Rache-"

"No Jimmy!" she said quickly, tightening her protective hug.

"R-Rachel..." you started.

"What is it (Last Name)-san?" she asked, looking down at you.

"Can't... breathe..." you said, tapping on her arms which were squeezing you ridiculously hard.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry!" she said, quickly releasing her seemingly inhuman grip and stepping back.

Jimmy just shook his head and chuckled, "Look what you did Rachel..."

"I swear I didn't mean to!"

"We almost had a murder here everyone~" he announced to the whole class jokingly.

"Shut up!" Rachel karate chopped his head. Resulting in Jimmy muttering under his breathe and rubbing his head. "I am so sorry, (Last Name)-chan!" she apologized giving you a slight apologetic bow.

You let oxygen flow back into your lungs and gave a content sigh. "It no problem, it's okay. I'm fine." you said giving her a smile to show that you weren't lying.

"Thank goodness..." she sighed.

"Oh and just call me (Your name) okay?" You chimed.

"Only if you call me Rachel~!"

"And you have to call me Jimmy then, kay' (Your name)-chan?"


The three of you laughed simultaneously.

~:Jimmy's P.O.V.:~

Me and Rachel became friends with (Your name). She seems cool, since she seems interested in detectives and such.

I wonder if she is a Sherlock Holmes fan to? That would be really cool!

We all decided to call each other by our first names instead of addressing each other by our last names. Then for some reason we all started laughing.

Wait... (Your name)'s laugh kinda sounds familiar...

"Class... can we please get back to the lesson?" I heard the teacher plead, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Oh well, it was only a laugh. No big deal... right?

I headed back to my seat and sat down. I can't wait to go on another case... maybe there will be one soon?

~:End of Jimmy's P.O.V.:~

And that was the day the three of you all started your friendship!

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Where stories live. Discover now