The Voice of Reason

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Flash back of last chapter (since I'm nice like that)~

After agreeing upon your payment, you told him the location of the warehouse you had 'taken care of' the criminals at and hung up the phone. "Well, I guess I should go..." you said to no one in particular, standing up and pocketing your cell. You quickly walked back inside and made a small box by taping 4 of your calling cards to each other to form a box-like shape. Next to it you had another calling card with an arrow pointing to the small, make-shift box reading, 'Put my payment in here~'

Then you swiftly walked out holding onto your wounded arm. You had to search for a place you could hide until the police came and left so you could retrieve your necklace without being seen.

~/ With Jimmy and McGuire /~

"Your not seriously going to give her the necklace are you!?" Jimmy asked McGuire

"We have no choice Kudo, we need to catch those criminals..." McGuire muttered, leading the way for everyone to the location you told them.

"I don't get it... this is just wrong..." Jimmy muttered angrily, following behind McGuire.


Looking out from your hiding spot outside you watched as the police entered the building, disappearing from sight, only to reappear escorting the tied up criminals into on of the police vehicles. You waited a while longer as the police looked around the scene for a few more moments, then slowly left.

Once you thought everyone was gone you jumped down out of your hiding spot. The problem was your head had a slight pounding and the whole world seemed to spin. Dang it... how much blood had you lost!? I mean, it was only one cut. Sure it was deep, but it wasn't that bad... right?

You threw your long scarf over to your side, covering the right side of your body and completely concealing your injured arm as you attempted to maneuver through your now topsy-turvy world.

After you finally reached the door (which seemed to have taken forever) you pushed it open and quickly walked over to the box where your prize should be. Your now blurry vision causing you to overlook the shadowy figure hiding in the far right corner behind you.

The shadowy figure pushed itself from the wall and gave a slight cough, on purpose of course. It did it's job, drawing your attention to the person.

"Who's there!?" You yelled, jumping back into a defensive position (which you instantly regretted due to your lightheartedness), turning to face the figure you heard the voice from. You watched as the figure stepped into the light revealing someone you knew all to well, Jimmy Kudo.

'Oh good, it's just Jimmy...' you sighed mentally. Wait, what the heck where you thinking!? 'Just' Jimmy, how ridiculous. Now he saw you (something no one ever before had done) you were glad you had you disguise on today. How could you even think of letting your guard down even if it was... Jimmy.

Plus he was a detective, you had to be careful as to keep him from getting suspicious and figuring out you were hurt, worse off figure out your identity.

"Anonymous..." he started, but was interrupted by you.

"Huh!? Who's anonymous? I was just in the area and heard some racket and police so I decided to check it out." You lied.

Jimmy sighed, "I know it's you anonymous, firstly you walked in here unafraid and without looking around meaning you already knew it was safe. Second you walked right up to the box where the necklace is. And Third..." he paused, motioning at your disguise, "No NORMAL person would walk around wearing that."

You sighed, well that didn't work out as well as you hoped (not that you really expected it to).

"Okay okaaayyy you deduced correctly it me, Anonymous. But really, What are you doing here Ku-ku!? Due to the contract between me and the police 'puppy guarding' my payments is a strict no no~!" You faked your cheery voice and put a playful pout on your face. Man your head hurt, you didn't know how long you could keep this up.

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Where stories live. Discover now