Can Things Get Any More Awkward!?!

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Things have been different.

Well, strange to say the least... Ever since the heist case any your... well lets just leave it at 'unpleasant'... Conversation with Jimmy things have been just plain AWKWARD.

At first whenever you two both showed up on the same case and saw each other you would just kin if glare at each other. You filled the air with tension and a sense of danger, causing McGuire and the rest of the police squad to feel uncomfortable.

Then the situation changed drastically.

Instead of sending cold glares at each other you suddenly started to ignore each other all together. This of course left a (still uncomfortable) silence in the air. The silence was only broken when Jimmy talked about the case for 'free' to anyone BUT you or, of course, when you talked to (more like annoyed) anyone and everyone BUT Jimmy. You wouldn't even use each others names and acted like the other never even existed.

And McGuire, being the awkward friend yet father-like figure of the crime scenes, true to get you two to make up.

Secretly you did want to patch things up with Jimmy. Go back to the days of sweet sarcasm an name calling.

But you just couldn't see it happening.

If he wouldn't accept you, what you did or how you do it... Then you saw no reason to try to even talk with the thick headed detective.

Of course Jimmy did ATTEMPT to make things up with you, but he still tried to convince you that you were wrong, or that what you were doing wasn't 'right'.

So of course you blew him off.

The tension in the air only got worse. So McGuire only tried harder to fix the 'gap' in your supposed 'friendship' with Jimmy. And McGuire just wouldn't give up and kept trying an trying every time.

And eventually you got so sick and tired of it... so you left.

~:Yay, dramatic flashback moment!:~

The day you left it was cold and your note seemed to come so suddenly from seemingly nowhere. You had sent a text to the phone you had given them.
It read as follows...
'I now take a temporary leave from my job for the time being.
The Forever Mysterious,

~:Wow that was one long flashback wasn't it?:~

At first everyone that it was a prank, a practical joke if sorts.

Boy where they wrong!

At first you would hide and watch the investigation from afar, being sure not to say anything to make it seem like you were not there at all. But eventually you stopped doing that and left all together.

Of course you still cameras an bugs planted to listen in from afar... But, well that's a minor detail.

Fact was you weren't there IN PERSON, but you still kept and eye on everything (without letting anyone know of course).

When Jimmy finally accepted the fact that you had left, it hit him like a ton of bricks. His chest hurt and he just couldn't understand...

Why did he want to see you again so badly?

After all, he deemed it beat to put space between the two of you till you calmed down and realized you were wrong (because to oh so great Jimmy Kudo is all ways right... -_- ). But if it was indeed the best option...

Why did the 'best' option hurt so much?


You on the other hand had another plan in mind. If you took a break from work, why not head back to school?

(A/N) Ah! There's so much shunning and awkwardness~!!! Wait what? Reader-change is going to school!? Oh no it's everyone's worse nightmare! And why the heck am I going to be writing about school in the summer!?!
Sorry updates are taking so long and such since I'm in the middle of a trip. But seeing as how I am at a place with free wifi and I'm such a nice person (right~!?) I will upload two maybe even three chapters today~!!!
*random applause added here*
Hehe this was a long authors note so thanks to all who read it, you deserve some candy~ *holds out lollipops*

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