The First Case with Jimmy.... Wait... What was That!?!

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It was Saturday and you were all around the table chatting and having an early dinner, then you remembered you had to meet up with Jimmy. "Oh yeah... I am meeting up with a friend latter tonight." you stated simply.

"Really? Who?" Damien asked casually.

"Eh? Oh, just Jimmy"


...well this silence is awkward...

"J-Jimmy... as in a BOY?" Amy asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" you said, not sure of why such an obvious question was being asked.

...more awkward silence...

Amy's whole face lit up as she jumped up from her seat and ran in circles. "It's a boy!!!! The story I wrote is finally coming true!"

Damien just shook his head violently. "No! Your story is WAY to ridiculous to come true!"

"What~?" Amy whined.

"Not to mention you only just wrote it!" he added in to his defense.

"So what!?" Amy retorted. "It could still happen!"

"In your dreams!"

You stared at the two with a loss for words. What the heck where they even talking about? You gave a sigh and shrugged it off, walking to your room while the two continued to argue. You quickly changed into some jeans and a simple (fav. color) T-shirt with a (favorite animal) design on it and threw a sweater on top of that. You walked back out of your bedroom and gave a slight wave as you walked out the front door. "Bye." you said simply, then closed the door behind you.

The two adults continued arguing over who was right then Amy got fed up, "(Your name)! Tell him I'm right!" she yelled angrily.

"For your own good, tell her she is far from the truth (Your name)!" Damien pleaded.

They both turned to where you had been. 'Been' being the keyword. The paused and looked around for a few seconds. "Uh... where are you (Your name)?" Amy asked, surprised by your 'sudden' disappearance.

"She probably left already." Damien sighed as he started clearing the table off.

Amy grinned like crazy. "I hope their date goes well~" she chimed.

"It's not a date!" Damien yelled.

Pause. "...I think..." Damien muttered quietly.

"HA! Your not sure, so it MIGHT be a date!" Amy cheered, making a peace sign in the air for dramatic effect causing Damien to sigh and do a face palm.

"Some days I wonder how I can even handle being on the same planet as you Amy..." he muttered to himself beneath his breath and continued to wash the dishes.


You arrived at the station fifteen minutes early and tapped your foot impatiently. Okay, okay... you had arrived early on purpose, but only to make sure you were not late, or your taxi didn't break down or get stuck in traffic (or something along those lines).

So here you are... fifteen minutes early and waiting with absolutely nothing to do. And in your moment of weakness you spot McGuire from the corner of your eye. It took every single bit of will power you had to stop yourself from giving into boredom and picking on McGuire.

It wasn't helping that he was walking right towards you either. Eventually he stopped in front of you and inspected you up and down before sighing, "I would assume you are (Your name), correct?" he asked.

You were kind of suspicious of how he knew, but you just assumed Jimmy told him, "Yes, that's me. Why do you ask?"

"Well Jimmy just called and said he would be coming in five minutes so until then he asked that I show you to the meeting place and fill you in so that we can leave as soon as he comes." he stated simply.

Ye-sh... just like Mc-chan to get straight down to the blunt boring point. He's so serious~

Still keeping your act up you had to act as though you didn't know McGuire, who you all but knew oh so well. "That's great and all, but if it's no problem, may I ask you for your name since you seem to already know mine?" you asked as innocently as possible.

McGuire stopped showing you the way to the meeting place and turned to face you. "Oh yeah, sorry about that. You can call me Inspector McGuire, it's nice to meet a friend of Jimmy's." he said with a smile, extending his hand for a shake.

The two of you shook hands and then he continued to show you the way up what seemed like thousands of stairs until you reached the door you were trying to get to.


You hastily threw open the door only for your hair to fly up and whip around the air and in your face. "M-McGuire?" you asked, clearly shocked and unable to say anything other than his name.

"Oh, guess I should have told you we were taking the helicopter." he stated calmly. He climbed into the back and pulled you up. He then handed you a helmet with an attached mike that he said you would be using latter.

While waiting for Jimmy, he explained to you the details of what Kaito Kid did.

'So he is basically a well thought out thief.' you thought to yourself.

After listening a bit more, you decided it would be in the best interest to get the layout of the building beforehand and use a computer to try and track him down and expressed how you did not have enough time to do it now.

Luckily, McGuire told you how Jimmy had thought the same thing and had already taken pictures of the building and made the digital layout.

You gave a sigh of relief, that was one thing off your shoulder. Should make the case a whole lot easier. You studied the pictures over, made sure the layout was working nicely and tested all the mikes.

McGuire gave a chuckle and you looked up at him with confusion which he must have saw. "It's funny how you and Jimmy seem so similar..." he said aloud.

"Huh?" you asked quickly, telling him to continue since you didn't have time to ask long questions since you were checking everything to make sure it was ready for the case.

"Well you both think the same seeing as how you both thought of the computer layout of the building..."

"Uh-huh" you replied, taking a look at yet another picture.

"And you both seem very focused and want to make sure everything is working for the case."

"I see..." you sighed, checking over the computer again.

"I bet you also like Sherlock Holmes." he stated simply.

You looked up from what you were working on to stare at him with a look of pride. "But of course! Sherlock was one of the greatest minds ever. Who could not help but be baffled by such amazing intellect?" you asked, clearly stating your point.

"I'll take that as a yes." he smiled.

You tapped the mike to see it was getting weaker... must be the batteries. "Hey, McGuire, can you pass me the batteries please?" you asked as kindly as possible.

"Sure. Here you go." he said handing you a pack of batteries which you had started to open. "I bet you and Jimmy are great friends." he said to no one in particular.

"Yep!" Jimmy said as he threw open the door to the helicopter taking both you and McGuire by surprise.

Half shocked and half playing your sickly girl role you dropped the batteries and let out a little 'Eep!' and covered your heart with your hands. "Jimmy, I told you to stop doing that!" you complained.

"Yeah Jimmy, at least tell us when your coming in and alert us your here by knocking or something." McGuire's gruff voice added in.

"Okay. Okay..." Jimmy sighed as he picked up the batteries and handed them back to you. He sat next to you and took the computer and flipped it open. "Is everything ready?"

You put the batteries in and closed the back of the device. Double checking the mike you noticed it was working better. "It is now Jimmy." you reported.

Jimmy smirked, "Then let's get going! Were off to catch a thief!" he said excitedly as McGuire shut the helicopter door. Jimmy slipped on his helmet and pulled the mike down.

"Right away~!" you said happily as you slipped on your helmet and pulled the mike down.


You had been sitting for quite a while, staying silent. Adrenaline coursed through your veins and then you finally heard the words you had been waiting for...

"He's here!" you hear someone yell over their mike which was sent to the speakers in your helmet. You felt the helicopter take off and both you and Jimmy started typing away of your computers. Jimmy told the police to seal off all the exits. Eventually this Kid fellow 'disappeared' in one of the bathrooms, but pulling up the blue print Jimmy noticed the air vain and told them to check in there.

And guess what... he was there. No big surprise~

Suddenly someone was yelling over the phone, "Inspector McGuire? You should not bring someone else here!" the male voice said, clearly angry though you had no reason why.

Then McGuire was getting all apologetic saying things like 'I know it's not my area' and stuff and saying how he already promised to bring us, all that boring stuff and then...

Jimmy. Stole. The. Phone.


You mentally thanked Jimmy for his good job fixing the boring mood!

Then Jimmy started mock/warning Mystery-kun (aka: What you were calling the male on the other side of the phone who you didn't know). Then Jimmy smirked.

"Jimmy Kudo, Detective." he said pridefully.

"Detective, eh?" You mocked and raised an eyebrow at him.

He just scratched the back of his neck, "Well yeah, I am a detective after all (Your name)-chan..." he said in his defense.

"Are you a detective..." you said, saying the word normally, "Or a... 'detective'!" You said the word 'detective' this time mocking how he said it and over exaggerating his prideful expression.

"Hahahaha..." Jimmy laughed it off and looked away. Leaving you to smirk at your small victory.

"Kudo?" Mystery-kun's voice asked over the phone when another voice perked up saying, "I've heard of him, he's that famous high school detective!"

"I'M KID'S ONLY ENEMY!!!" Mystery-kun's voice yelled over the phone. Well that little outburst helped you understand why he sounded so angry before... he was one of THOSE kinds of cops. Obsessed with taking down only one criminal... the one that usually kept beating them, that is.

You chuckled to yourself dryly but stopped to listen in when you heard someone talking over the phone again.

"And I thought I heard another voice... You didn't bring another person BESIDES Kudo with you... RIGHT!?" he interrogated over the phone.

"Ur... well, you see..." McGuire started nervously before you snatched the phone away from him.

You put ton your nice, smart sickly girl kind of attitude again before speaking, "Hello my name is (First name) (Last name), a fellow student of Jimmy Kudo. I am here to assist on the case as well..."

"We don't need your hel-" you cut him short.

"Before you start complaining about what help you do and don't have or want and not want, please remember that there is a THIEF is still running lose in there and it is your job as police to put aside interruptions and continue to deal with the case. Though I must say we are more helpful then a hindrance and probably the best chance you have at catching Kid at the moment. Now putting the long lecture you just forced me to say aside, are you finally ready to continue and complete this case, mister?"

There was silence then he spoke up, "...I suppose so..." he muttered.

"Great, we look forward to working with you. Any further contact from us will be from over our mikes." you stated simply, hanging up the phone.

Jimmy and McGuire gawked at you as you just let out a long sigh before looking up at the with confusion. What can I say? I hate being turned away, and we need to catch this thief!" you said, gaining approval from the two guys as they started to help again.

The chase continued with people telling Jimmy where they last saw Kid, and him telling them where he most likely fled to. You on the other hand assisted now and then, but you mostly just watched and moved the cameras in the places where Kid was or was assumed to be.

You were looking through the cameras on your laptop when suddenly you saw a flash of white on the one display. "Wha..." You flipped back through the various cameras until you reached the one it was last on ad saw the large white moving object.

"W-What in the name of all the cases Sherlock ever solved!?!?" you screamed in obvious surprise, pointing at your monitor.

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Where stories live. Discover now