The Start of an Interesting Day

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After your first encounter with Jimmy Kudo things became more interesting. Of course you were still annoyed since he kept stealing your job, but at least it was interesting.

And it kept you from getting too bored.

Sadly, like you, Jimmy seemed to follow McGuire around like a Hawk (you were more like McGuire's shadow...) Well point being, you both seemed to follow McGuire around everywhere. It seemed to get on his nerves, but you were both interested in solving cases. It wasn't your fault, you just blamed McGuire's for usually being put in charge.

People started saying McGuire was cursed (probably because of you). But you just thought it was funny.

After a while you and Jimmy usually ended up near the same cases. Which of course resulted inn the police turning to him since his help was 'free' after all. So you normally had to (grudgingly) sit things out. Stupid Kudo, getting in the way of all the things you wanted! Well, cases involving the two of you resulted in normal friendly conversations involving you laughing at him when he messed things up or did something embarrassing, your 'free of charge' mockery. Oh, and we must not forget the name calling. But that didn't matter, it was time for a new case. There had just been a heist at one of the jewelry stores and there was this necklace that you thought was just absolutely stunning~!

"Oi! Mc-chan!~" You called out from from the shadows, squatting on top of one of the garbage cans.

"Anonymous?" McGuire guessed, turning to face you.

"Right-o Mc-chan~!" You said with your cocky grin plastered on your face.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me 'Mc-chan' Anonymous?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Mc-chan..."

McGuire gave an annoyed sigh, knowing you wouldn't listen to him, "And what do you want today?"

You grinned, "I was hopping you would ask that~!" You exclaimed happily, jumping down from the garbage can but being careful to stay in the shadows provided by the ally. "I was just thinking that it looked like you might need some help on this case~"

Now it was McGuire's turn to smirk, "No need to worry yourself with that Anonymous, Kudo's on his way."

"What!?" You called out shocked. "You already called for Ku-ku!?"


"But why~" you moaned, "You have someone as brilliant as me who you could ask for help! So why must you call Kudichi? He's so usele-"

Jimmy walked around the corner giving a obviously fake cough and leaned up against the wall behind McGuire, "Oh I'm sorry, where you saying something Anonymous? Please continue..." Jimmy said with a smirk, sarcasm evident in his voice.

"Heh heh... nope! Nothing at all~" you said and began whistling.

Jimmy just sweat dropped before getting a hard pat on the back from McGuire. "Good to have you with us Jimmy! So, shall we start the investigation then?"

Jimmy just nodded his head, "Sure."

"Try not to mess up~!" you called out jokingly, earning a glare from both of the males. "Aww don't be that way! If things don't work out you know you are always welcome to come crying back to me BEGGING for my help~" you snickered.

Jimmy just shook his head, "I don't think we will be needing any of your help Anonymous, and definitely not any begging or crying."

"You never know~" you mocked, "But if you need to contact me use this~!" you chimed, tossing them a flip phone which had your symbol drawn on the front.

McGuire clumsily caught it, "What is this?" he asked, eying it suspiciously.

"That, Mc-chan, is a matching phone I bought so we could stay in contact~" you held out your matching phone so they could see it.

"And why are you giving us this?" Jimmy asked, confused.

"Because I will ONLY answer messages from that phone, no other ones. And I messed with that phone so it will only answer calls or messages from my phone~"

"Well, that's helpful..." Jimmy joked sarcastically.

You laughed in response, "Well, then I guess I will be off~!"

"Wait, how will we know your number if we do indeed want to contact you!?" McGuire shouted.

"Don't worry so much! I'm the only contact on that phone Mc-chan!" you yelled back as you ran off into the distance.

McGuire quickly flipped open the phone and went to the contact menu, Jimmy leaning over his shoulder so he could also see the screen. There was only one person there, like you had said. When they clicked on the folder to view the contact information your picture ID showed up as your calling card. The shocking part. however, was what you had put down for your name, it was ridiculously long. Your name read... "The awesome Anonymous who is soooooo much more amazing then the loser Ku-ku and his side-kick Mc-chan~"

McGuire was so angry, his veins almost appeared to be popping out, "Kudo, how do we change this!?" he nearly yelled.

Jimmy snatched the phone out of his hands and began messing with it, "W-we can't!" he muttered while trying to change it, "She must have messed with the phones hardware because it's locked in..." Jimmy face palmed himself.

"Dang it Anonymous..." McGuire grumbled, "Let's get to the case Kudo, she wasted enough of our time."

"Yeah, yeah." Jimmy sighed, closing the phone and pocketing it.

Little did they know that you had also planted a listening device in it, so you could listen into their investigation whenever you wanted.

The two of them went to investigate the how of the case, you on the other hand had other work to do. If Jimmy was going to steal your job as the case solver, then you would just have to settle for the ext best thing. Tracking down the whereabouts of the escaped criminals and catching them for the police (for a price of course).

This way you could still get what you wanted~!

You assumed Jimmy was only worried about solving the cases. But unknown to you, he was also gaining a interest in you, and unraveling the secrets of the mysterious 'Anonymous'...


A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short compared to the last one~! Anyways Ku-ku is a nick name you gave to Jimmy based on his last name, Kudo. You also call him Kudichi (based off of his last name 'Kudo' and his other name 'Shinichi'). Just in case you were wondering~

And sorry for all you fans waiting for Kaito Kid to come in! I will try my best to bring him in soon, I promise~!!!

Like the story so far? Got questions, requests or suggestions? Leave me a messege! Please heart if you like it so far~~~!

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Where stories live. Discover now