A Trip to Tropical Land!

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It had been a few days since the Kaito Kids, or better named by you the 'most pathetic tricksters', incident occurred. You sighed as you stretched out in front of the desk in your room. Apparently Rachel made a deal with Jimmy that if she won her karate tournament that he would have to treat the both of you to that amusement park... what was it called... 'Tropical Land' or something? You let out another large sigh as your shoulders slouched.

"What do you wear to amusement parks?" you muttered, remembering how you had never been to an amusement park before. Yes, (Your Name), also known as the mysterious 'Anonymous', had never been to an amusement park. 


You had no clue what to wear, how to act or, well, anything for that matter. You gave another sigh as you ran your hand through your hair.

"Oh (Your Name)~!" Amy chimed as she came in the room. "You should wear this~!" she said holding up the most disgustingly bright pink frilly outfit you had ever seen. Not even a Lolita would have been able to handle how ridiculous it was.

"For the third time, I AM NOT WEARING THAT!!!" you barked as your glared at the evil clothes as though they were the black plague.

"But for your dat-"

"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!!" You yelled as your cheeks heated up very slightly, unbeknownst to you.

"Awww, your such a Tsundere- Hey-! Damien-!? What are you doing-!?!" Amy yelled as she was being dragged off by Daimen.

"Saving (Your Name)." he replied sarcastically. "Oh, and just wear casuals." he tipped you.

You blinked and laughed at the two retreating figures, "Casuals, got it." you repeated as you ran off and got changed.

You left your room wearing a (favorite color) T-shirt with a unzipped sweater over top. You wore casual blue jeans and your high top sneakers as you picked up a bag holding your stuff in it and ran out of your room. You glanced down at your watch and smirked. "Well then, I'll be going!" you called back as you ran for the door.

"Have fun!" Damien called back as you ran off.

As soon as you left Amy pouted and crossed her arms, "I still say it's a date..." she muttered through her pursed lips causing Damien to just shake his head and walk off, unable to comment, rolled his eyes and searched for a book.


You met up with Jimmy and Rachel in front of the town park before pulling over a cab and all shoving into the back. The slightly uncomfortable trip ended a few minutes latter when the car pulled up in front of the theme park... and hey! It was called 'Tropical Land'! You were right~!

The three of you headed inside and you and Jimmy both instantly wanted to go to the 'Horror and Fantasy Land' part of the park, but were dragged elsewhere by Rachel. 

"Comon Rachel! I want to go to the mystery coaster." Jimmy pouted as Rachel just ignored him. "Try to convince her for me (Your Name)!!!" Jimmy whisper/pleaded.

"Fine fine~" you whispered back before looking over to Rachel, "Say Rachel can we-"

"No." she replied cutting you off.

Jimmy laughed. "Haha, shot down before you could even finish asking!" he mocked.

"At least I got a reply~!" you mocked back with a smirk.

"Oi!" Jimmy yelled, unable to find a witty comeback.

Rachel rolled her eyes "If we go to 'Horror and Fantasy' land we will never get out of there!" she exclaimed.

"And if you remember I am the one who PAID." Jimmy said with a smirk, thinking he had won the argument.

"And if you remember why we are here, it's to celebrate MY VICTORY at the karate tournament!" Rachel said back causing Jimmy to roll his eyes in defeat.

You smiled, "I don't care as long as we get there before the park closes."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure~!" Rachel said giving you a reassuring pat on the shoulder. 

"That fine with you Jimmy?" you asked.

"Not that he has a choice~" Rachel added in.

"Fine, fine! Let's get this over with..." Jimmy scoffed as your group set out.

First your little 'party' of sorts started where they entered, in 'Dream and Fairytale Land'. Rachel dragged the two of you off to get icecream before heading to the castle to stand on the viewing platform.

"Uh... Rachel-chan... this would be better for latter tonight with the fireworks..." you stated nervously.

"Uh- y-yeah... but I just wanted to see the high view! That's all!" Rachel blurted out trying to make an excuse.

"The roller coasters are higher up Rach." Jimmy stated bluntly before being Karate chopped on the head by Rachel.

"S-shut up! Let's move on to the next thing!" she yelled as she dragged the two of you off again. 

Next, the three of you went on the train around this part of the park while you finished your ice cream.

"This train is... slow." you muttered.

"It would be faster if we just walked..." Jimmy said with his chin resting in the palm of his hand.

"Oh look... a person walking just passed us..." you muttered with a bored tone as you blankly stared at the people passing. "Maybe it would be fun to count the number of walking people who pass us...that's 2..." you mutter as another pedestrian passes.

"...and walked and walked and walked and walked..."


"...and walked and walked and walked and walked..."

"8...9...oh...I'm in the tenths now...11...12..."

"...and walked and walked and walked..."

"13, 14, 15... 16...17...18..."

The people on the train with you gave you odd looks as Rachel sighed and flicked you both in the head.

"OW!" you both you and Jimmy said simultaneously, moving your hands up to rub your heads.

"That hurt. You didn't hold back did you!?" Jimmy yelled.

"What was that for Rachel-chan!" you added in.

"Yeah!" Jimmy agreed.

"Is the only thing you two know how to do is COMPLAIN!?" Rachel scolded the two of you.

Both you and Jimmy got fishy faces.

"But it's slow..." Jimmy said through his pursed lips.

"And slow is boring..." you added in through your own pursed lips.

"Ack-!" both of you said as you both got flicked again.

"Knock off with your complaining you two! What am I, your babysitter?" she asked as the three of you got off the train.

Deciding to do something plain, Rachel took you to the carousel where you all got on horses next to each other. The ride then ended and you all got off and Jimmy stopped to talk to you at the exit.

"The music was too loud."

"The one symbols wasn't working."

"Did you see one of the light bulbs were out?"

"Actually there were two."

"The horses were squeaking when they went up and down too.

"That means this ride needs to be oil-"

The two of you both shut up and ducked as soon as you both saw a hand coming for your faces dodging the flick. Rachel made a clicking noise with her tongue in disapproval as you dodged.

"Rachel can we move on to the next place?" Jimmy asked.

Rachel stuck up her nose.

"Why won't she do it?" Jimmy whispered to you as he crouched down.

You crouched down next to him. "Maybe we need to ask politely?" you whispered back.

"How? I though I asked nicely?"

"Nicely, but not politely, baka!"

"You try saying 'please' then."

"Why me!?"

"Because she's ignoring me. Duh!"

"Tch... fine..." you muttered as you stood up along with Jimmy and smiled at Rachel. "Rachel... can we PLEASE move on to the next area?"

Rachel rolled her eyes playfully, "You guys do know I heard your whole entire conversation, right?" she asked, resting her hand on her hip.

Okay~ Awkward... *cue sweat-drop for you and Jimmy*

"O-oh..." you stuttered, at a loss for what else to say.

"Does that mean we can move on?" Jimmy pipped in.

"Sure." Rachel said as the tree of you set off to the next part of the park.

Next your party went to 'Science and Space Land'

"Now THERE is a real ride!" Jimmy yelled as he went for the inverted-type roller coaster.

"That looks like fun~" You chimed as you pointed, and started walking towards, the bumper cars.

"Ah, ah, ah. Not yet." Rachel said as she grabbed the back of your sweater and the back of Jimmy's shirt.

"AWWWWW RACHEL~" you and Jimmy moaned simultaneously.

"No arguing." she said as you all went on the Ferris wheel and sat there in an awkward silence as you stared down at the water fountain plaza. It was actually quite beautiful.

After that awkward ride was over you all went on the bumper cars where Jimmy kept trying to ram into you, so you literately stayed behind Rachel the whole time so she would protect you. Man did those things whip you around... and so did the inverted-style roller coaster you went on after that!

Sitting down at the Water Fountain Plaza you all got sodas from the machine and took a seat drink the cool liquid with a relieved sigh. 

"That hit the spot~!" You sighed with relief as  the cool liquid went down your throat.

"Seriously Rach, first you make me treat the two of you and myself to the amusement park and now you make me us all drinks! What's the big deal!?" Jimmy whined as he chugged his soda.

"You lost the bet, you pay." Rachel dead panned as she took a sip from her can.

"So!? It's expensive!!!" he complained back.

"And your a detective!" she countered.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Jimmy asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well your a famous teen detective, you have to have money." Rachel shrugged.

"That's not true Rachel! Being a famous detective doesn't mean you have lots of money!" Jimmy countered.

"Yeah I guess not... especially when they can't even catch a simple thief like Kaito Kid."

(???'s P.O.V.)

Me and Aoko were walking through 'Science and Space Land'. All I had to do now was go around with her for a while then drop her off at the Captain E.T. movie so I could sneak off in the darkness and time provided by the movie to preform my heist.

Aoko had went to get some snacks and drinks and I was commanded to wait here at the Water Fountain Plaza when I overheard a conversation that peeked my interest.

I looked over at the group of teens. The were three of them. Two girls and one guy.

"Okay, so I'll admit that Kid is a very sneaky and cunning thief." he muttered shaking his brow haired head.

Pfft, but of course! I am the greatest phantom thief after all.

"But he's not THAT good. I bet he's just extremely lucky." A female voice said, causing an anger mark to appear on my forehead that I quickly hid. What was her problem, of course I'm amazing, I'm the best! I looked at the girl who said it. Her back was turned to me and the only thing I could see was the back of her outfit and her (hair color) locks resting on her back and slightly on her shoulders. Yep, this girl defiantly DIDN'T know what thief she was talking about.

The other girl (who's face I could see clearly as she was facing me) rolled her eyes. "That's nice and all... but seeing how the 'Great Jimmy Kudo' was no match for that thief apparently there is NO famous detective able to catch him." she said bluntly, with what seemed to be a hint of sarcasm. On another note, finally! Someone who understands that with my quick thinking and sharp wits I will never be taken down! Someone give this girl a medal already!

"That's not true!!!" The boy yelled looking over at the girl who had just spoken, the two of them having a childish glaring war.

"Yeah, even if Jimmy Kudo couldn't do it there are other detectives that could easily do it!" The other girl chipped in, pointing her (skin color) finger at the other girl.

Man, was it just me or did this group like to argue a lot? I took a quick glance around and noticed the other costumers all muttering about them and watching with a few annoyed while others just sweat dropped. 

Nope, seems like they've been doing this for a while.

"Like who (Your Name)?" The long brown haired girl asked sarcastically, yet playfully, as she rested her hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow at her other female traveling partner.

"Uhhhh..." the girl paused and tapped her foot.

"SHERLOCK HOLMES!" The other boy cut it with a big grin like he had just solved the problem and one the whole argument.

The brown head pace-palmed herself. "Not this again..." she muttered.

"Oh, yes! Sherlock~!!!" The other girl chimed as her and other guy nodded their heads and laughed. Well it was obvious there were some BIG Sherlock Holmes fans in the park...

"For the last time you two... SHERLOCK IS NOT REAL!" the other girl yelled, seeming as though her teeth had grown to sharp points.

But... it seemed the other two had ignored her.

"Holmes would have no problem at all catching that petty thief!" The guy said bluntly, gaining a head nod from the (hair colored) girl.

"He wouldn't even need Watson's help!" she added in matter-of-factly.

This both insulting to my pride yet entertaining to watch at the same time...

(End of ??? *Aka: you probably know who by now*'s P.O.V.)

You and Jimmy were now on a rant about Sherlock Holmes while Rachel was just laughed at the two of you ad shook her head. "I bet Holmes would be able to catch Kid in less then ten minutes!!!" Jimmy exclaimed excitedly.

You chuckled and shook your head. "Now, now we all know... he wouldn't even need five!" You stated as you held up your hand with you five fingers up to prove your point.

"I know right!?" Jimmy nodded. "I wonder how he would catch Kid though..." Jimmy trailed off.

"Catch Kid?" You asked with a raised eyebrow before giving a little laugh. "To catch Kid Sherlock wouldn't even need to back hand hi-" You started to say as you threw your arm back wards mimicking the motion of back-handing someone. 

Except you weren't mimicking...

You felt your hand hit something, a loud grunt, a thud and then an "OW!!!".

Jimmy and Rachel looked shocked (while Jimmy looked slightly amused) as they looked at the ground behind you. You quickly whipped your head around to look down at what your friends were looking at for your (eye color) eyes to lock onto the shinning blue ones of the brunette on the ground.

The brunette you could only assume you hit based on the big red mark on his face.

You held back your laugh as you bent down and grabbed his shoulder. "Oh my gosh are you okay!?" You asked, slightly worried about the stranger. I mean after all, you did back hand him in the face.

"If you call being back handed in the face at an amusement park 'okay', then yeah." he replied sarcastically as he rubbed his hand lightly on the red area only for a small bit of blood to trickle out of his right nostril.

"I'm sorry and..." you watched the blood run with wide eyes.

"And... he's bleeding..." Rachel said shaking her head.

"Good going (Your Name), whacked a random stranger in the face and gave him a nosebleed. Wanna mark that off of your list of things to do in the future?" Jimmy snickered and sent you a sarcastic smirk.

"S-shush!!!" You stuttered waving your arm at him before looking back to the guy on the ground. "Uh- errr- ummm-" you said as your eyes darted everywhere and anywhere. Sure you were used to inflicting some injuries but never had treated them for the person. And you most certainly never injured a random innocent civilian going to a theme park. 

'Curse you goddess of luck for forsaking me!' You mentally cursed to the heavens when you saw a hand and looked down at the guy who had stretched out his hand. After an awkward moment of trying to think using your panicking mind, it finally clicked that you should probably help him up. You grabbed his hand and pulled, helping him rise up.

Once he was standing you gave him an apologetic bow. "I-I'm sorry!" you said again. The great and amazing Anonymous has been reduced to uttering words of apology, oh how you've fallen~!

The brunette chuckled. "It's fine~" he said with a big grin, causing you to sigh with relief. "But maybe you could take me to first aid?" he asked moving his hand to his nose, "Cause it's not stopping." he muttered as the blood, though slowly, was still continuing to flow.

You nodded your head. "Sure, we passed one on our way here!" you said, turning to Jimmy and Rachel. "I'll be right back then okay?" you said to them quickly as you showed the stranger the way to the bathroom.

"Oh! If you see someone with brown hair named Aoko looking for me, tell her I'll be back and I went to first aid!!!" The stranger yelled back to the two who nodded.

"Well... that was weird..." Jimmy said with a nervous laugh.

"Who would have thought that (Your Name) had such a nasty back hand..." Rachel laughed. "Since she sickly and all." she said with a sip of her drink.

Jimmy found that strange to, but just shrugged. "Maybe she just got a lucky shot, and I mean it's not like that guy looked the strongest. Kinda looked wimpy to me." he said with a smirk.

"Yeah I guess~" Rachel nodded.

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Where stories live. Discover now