Fist problem... Jimmy Kudo!!!

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So there was a problem.

A BIG problem... though, perhaps you should call it multiple problems. Yes, that seems most fitting... so many problems are happening.

Things were going so smoothly, according to plan. YOUR plan.

You were marvelous, a pro at your work. Well, you were actually the only one in your line of work, since you created it and all...

...But what was that saying? "Don't sweat the small stuff"? Yeah... minor details...

Truth was everything was in the palm of your hands, but then you just lost it...


Everything was perfect, until the first problem, that GUY showed up.

Ugh... he just had to ruin EVERYTHING you had going on. The heist the criminals had done this time included something you were really looking forward to getting... so you, of course, were willing to assist the police and ruin it for the criminals. Being the kind soul you were you were about to strike a deal with the seemingly useless police officers...

... but then HE came along and started talking.

And there was one big problem, that one...larger... police man... who was he? Oh yes, Inspector McGuire or something along those lines. He seemed to listen to this boy as if he 'trusted' him. And also, everyone seemed to listen to what he had to say. It made you furious just looking at him!

It had taken you so long to get these stupid men to even LISTEN let alone trust your information and help, and HE just breezes in and everyones like "oh, hey dude" and all buddy buddy.

My goodness, it made you want to cough up your dinner.

But who WAS that mystery guy? He was actually quite clever (which, coming from you, was quite a complement). He was easily solving the case that the police couldn't figure (of course you also had figured out, but, minor detail). The only problem was he was telling his findings to the police, and, as we all know, that was YOUR job. And of course you can't have someone else doing your job. After all...

that's bad for business...

You let a slight 'tch' of annoyance mutter past your lips. You leaned up against the rough brick wall, cloaking yourself in the shadows of the dark alleyway your were currently hiding in. This was the perfect place to eavesdrop on their conversation.

After a few moments, you deduced he had been working with the police for a while. You also notice how he and the inspector were on 'friendly' terms.

Which of course annoyed you since he seemed to get special treatment.

You attempted to make yourself more comfortable as you continued to listen into the rest of their conversation. You enjoyed listening to the mysterious Burnett's (correct) deductions. It was also very exciting since the culprit tried to escape... and let's just say that a soccer ball to the face didn't sound very comfortable... especially to the culprit, who was now laying passed out on the ground. But then you heard it.

Inspector McGuire placed a hand on the guy's shoulder, "Great work again, Kudo!" he praised.


So he was THAT person. The teenage boy (known for his skill in soccer) who was an up and coming famous detective and was slowly spreading all over the news. Now it made complete sense why he was so smart.

But even so, you still didn't approve of him coming in and stealing your work.

You let out a sigh as you rested your head on the wall. Though apparently one of the policemen might have heard you?

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Where stories live. Discover now