Welcome Home!

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You had almost forgot all about it, being busy with your work and all.. but you can't skip forever least they get suspicious. But then you had to go back home.

You gave a sigh as you treaded home. Once you got home you threw the door open, "I'm back." You muttered.

Your mom popped her head around the corner an let out a loud gasp. "(YOUR NAME)~!" She cried out happily, running over and giving you a bear hug. "Damien! She's back~!"

"Can't... breathe..." You said tapping on her shoulder

"Oops, sorry honey~" she laughed letting you go allow you to breathe sweet oxygen once again.

Your father came dashing around the corner skidding to a stop, "Is it true!? Is (your name) finally back!?"

You let out a small giggle, "Hiya! (Your name), here in the flesh~" you chimed.

The two of them bent down and hugged you simultaneously, "We are so glad you came back safely..." They trailed off, tears threatening to fall out of their eyes.

You snickered and messed up their hair, "But of course I'm fine, always will be since I'm just that good~!" You joked and reassured them at the same time.

They snickered in response.

You see they weren't your real parents... They where some starving people that you saw on the side of the street. They were homeless too and so you took pity and freshened them up and fead them till the got better. Then you asked them if they wanted to be your artificial or 'cover' parents. In return you would give them a place to live, food, clothes and such. They agreed and so you became the 'child' of Damien and Amy (last name). And they knew you were also Anonymous.

You see, your real parents were dead. Well, at least you hoped they were, because if they weren't that meant that they abandoned you as a child to fend for yourself. You were left alone in the cruel world at the age of 4, and that's when Emil found you. He took care of you and showed you the way of street life. He was your 'savior' you could say. If he didn't help you... Who knows if you would even be alive?

You quickly looked up at your two 'parents' with hope in your (eye color) eyes. "Is he up yet?" You asked frantically.

The face of both Amy and Damien darkened as they shook their head in the negative.

"Oh..." You hung your head before snapping it back up. "I know! Maybe he will wake up when I give him this new batch~!" You cheered happily as you held up one of the bags you had brought with you. You clapped and dashed off, leaving both Amy and Damien to look at each other with concern in their eyes.

You dashed down the hall and threw open the door on your right. You quickly ran down the stairs over to the next door and undid the lock. Pushing open the door rare and precious jewels and necklaces from your cases could be found lying around and everywhere. You quickly walked over to the bed in the back of the room and pushed aside the canopy to reveal a black haired boy sleeping on the bed.

You plopped down onto the side of the bed next to him and smiled down at him. "Still sleeping Emil, my goodness when you wake up you might not have to sleep for the next five years!" You joked as you gave out a laugh. You pulled the bag up next to you and opened it to reveal the sapphire chocker along with other various things you had gained from cases. You poured it next to his sleeping figure.

"Hey, hey look Emil! I got a bunch of stuff for you again!" The boy still didn't respond.

"Why won't you look Emil... Oh I know! You must be too tired, you'll look at it latter wont you~" you said while grabbing his hand.

"Don't worry, you'll wake up at anytime now Emil, I just know it!" You gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and gave him a closed eyed smile. "And I will also be going to school tomorrow... just like you wanted me too..." You said, tears rolling out from your closed eyes.

You stood up and picked up the bag and treasures and placed them on the nightstand by the bed whipping your tears away. "I better get to sleep so I can get up tomorrow~" you said as happily as you could manage as you placed his hand back down. "I'll call up doc to check on you again tomorrow, okay Emil?" You asked with no reply. You sighed and hung your head as you walked out of the room and up the stairs, too sad to see Amy and Damien standing to the side. They looked at you worriedly.

Amy looked over at Damien with tears nearly coming out, "It's saddening, isn't it?" She asked Damien.

"Yeah, very..." He nodded in response. "That boys in one serious coma an needs to go to a hospital."

"You know very well that he can't be seen by anyone."

"I know." He huffed. "I just want him to wake up as soon as possible. It hurts me to see (Your Name) this way..." A pained expression showing on his face. Amy could only nod her head in agreement as the locked up the room and followed you upstairs and headed to bed for the night.

You walked into your room and let yourself fall onto your bed. You sighed and covered your face with one of your hands. It's bad enough Jimmy is ignoring you but you wish Emil would just wake up already. You curled into a small ball and snuggle up to a body pillow. You keep thinking until you let sleep take over your consciousness and you allow yourself to fall into sleep for the night.

You just hopped school wouldn't be as bad tomorrow.

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Where stories live. Discover now