Dark spots

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The bass was pretty high as we could we even feel it outside on her porch with two cactus kept next to the door.

We heard some loud footsteps on the stairs and a guy burst opened the door screeching "Jump in !" once we were all in and full after eating we joined Stephany who's my partner in science class and her friends on the dance floor, the time just flew like the river Amazon the fastest river in the world.

I soon glanced on my watch it was 2am "Hell no!" than all my friends came to halt " Is everything alright bruh?" asked Stephany in a drunk voice " Yeah, sorry bout that guys" I apologized.

I was supposed to reach home 3 hours earlier by max my parents must be mad. I was the only one who was not drunk so I made my way to a silent part of the house as everyone was screaming at the top of their lungs and dancing.

I was now on the third floor of Taylor's house that's when I heard a low weeping noise, it was coming from the roof where I made it after a long climb like spider man. It was a girl sitting with her head buried in her knees.

"Hey!" I said in a low voice as not to scare her. She sat up straight straightened up her blonde hair, it was Taylor herself. She wiped her tears and said " Hey what yaa doin here up on the roof of my room?"

I replied in a calm voice " Nothing much I just heard someone crying" she cut me in middle and said " and you came to find out that who was crying, didn't you?" I replied being a little amazed " Yeah, is there I can help you with?" Big tears were now rolling down her rosy cheeks falling all over her light blue dress making dark spots.

She replied "I'm completely messed up?" now I was curious as hell to know what exactly had happened " What happened ?" She replied after a pause "my boyfriend dumped me after getting to know that I've been hiding something from him.."

She started mumbling something which I couldn't get
"Taylor can you please speak a little clearer I didn't get the hiding part?" Then Taylor looked deep in my eyes and said
"You've got beautiful green eyes" she changed the topic, girls are just experts at that when they don't wanna talk about something

"Taylor most of the American population has got green eyes weren't you gonna tell me something about hiding."

She started crying " One day one of my friend was smoking in the washroom, I was keep a watch and Miss Sally entered quietly and I was just said " Oh Alison can you smoke little faster please?"

I and my friend was caught red handed by Miss Sally, somehow we convinced her not to tell it to the principal, from that day she's been black mailing me about that incident and Jake was mad at me because I had hid it from him.

Today she told me to stay back after class as you would remember. Well she black mailed me that I should dump my boyfriend and throw a party after that to celebrate.
Jake's a shit head rather then helping through this shit he dumped me."

She came and sat nearer me, I then rapped my hand around her, she was cold as ice she then gave me a hug and whispered in my ears "I guess things are going to be different now."

The next day when my mom left me at school, rather than Taylor chatting with her usual group of friends now she was laughing and cracking jokes with David and Chuck, she wore a yellow check shirt with denims which was unlike her.

She then said Hi with a big smile on her face. Then we headed towards are respective classes.

Chuck elbowed me and asked.
" What happened to Taylor today dude? " And I told him the incident that happened last night.

YOU : Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant