I don't know

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I was in bed, Ryan's arms wrapped around me. It made me feel being protected.

It made me feel that I was safe, a feeling of satisfaction.
It had been a week since Ryan was back and now we teenagers who were continually connected to the Internet had now adapted to a world without it.

A world without connection. It was like we had gone back to prehistoric era.
I could feel sunlight making the the room warm and making Ryan's face glow.

He was beautiful, he was the person I had decided to spend the rest of my life with. He was it.

I kissed his cheek " babe wake up"

"Good morning my monkey" He groaned and got out of the bed and stumbled his way to the bathroom.

Soon we had breakfast then Zac and Stephany joined us. We were laying lazily talking and that's when we heard a loud explosion like a someone had fired a Canon.

We ran out to see and saw a military chopper had crashed near by.

We followed the smoke rising from the crash site and made it till there. There was nothing left everything and everyone had burned in it, it was just a wreck now.

That's when we saw a silver aircraft zoom past the sky leaving a white line like jets left.

We then heard some loud noises from the sky.

" Is that thunder?" Stephan asked

And that's when a humanoid like aircraft fell from the sky. It was a woman draped in a blue gown which was slightly burned from the edges.

She was unconscious Zac and Ryan picked her up and rushed her to the shack.

Hheyy everyone! How're you guys doing?

I had an idea of joining my book the " Protector " and " No charms".

So anytime there could be Marvel universe characters dropping in this story.

Do like DC or Marvel? Which are your favourite characters ? My favorite DC character is Batman and my favorite Marvel characteristics Iron man. Who is your favourite character?



YOU : Book 1Where stories live. Discover now