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Alice's POV

I was ready to fight, a SHEILD battalion teleported next to me and soldiers started flying out of it and started gathering around me, waiting for my command.

I was ready to fight, a SHEILD battalion teleported next to me and soldiers started flying out of it and started gathering around me, waiting for my command

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Holographic panels popped up around me, giving me the statistics and controls. I started preparing the war plan and sending it to the soldiers.

Sky barriers integrity 20%
Enemy regiments have arrived

The sky barriers couldn't hold the enemy troops as they outnumbered it's capacity to hold and they had started attacking it with full force which will cause it to break soon.

Sky barriers integrity 5%

I commanded SHEILD troops to take position as all hell was about let loose.

"SHEILD battalion on hold" Schnell said
"Engage when the Sky barrier breaks" I commanded Schnell
"Send boys to guard the bomb shelters and send 15 batcrafts to the enemy mother ship to attack"

The time was up
"Engage !!" I lifted my trident up in the sky " The sky thundered and the earth shook, SHEILD troops roared and attacked.

( Alice starts fighting with the enemy troops )

After an hour,

It was a massacre, our troops were outnumbered by the ratio of 20:1, but we were strong enough.

Only 15 enemy regiments were left, the ground didn't look like it once was a settlement, it looked more like graveyard with enemy corpses piling up.

"Ma'am, the council has requested your presence immediately" Schnell said
" Tell them I cannot come!" I shouted
" They said that it's really important" she said
" Call in more enforcements, I'm shadow traveling to mount Olympus. "

"Sure thing" she said.

Nicko had taught me how to shadow travel while I lived with Hades in the underworld to work upon better management technologies that the SHEILD could provide to the underworld.

Nicko was a cute guy who understood me very well, we had become best friends in a very short spam of time. We both shared alot of things and had dealt with similar problems in our past.

I don't know why but Percy behaved quite strange around him. He had tried to convince me to stay away from Nicko. Something was going on which I didn't understand. I think sometimes somethings are better left not understood.

I stood in the silent council, with Gods all around me and Zeus straight ahead of me siting on his throne with a lighting bolt in his hand giving me the death glare like I had attempted the highest crime he could possibly think of.

I stood in the silent council, with Gods all around me and Zeus straight ahead of me siting on his throne with a lighting bolt in his hand giving me the death glare like I had attempted the highest crime he could possibly think of

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Zeus: We seek an explanation about the intervention of SHIELD's forces in the battle of camp halfblood.

Me: You could've contacted the SHIELD HQ, why call me ?

Zeus : Silence !!

Me :We're just doing our job by protecting innocent half bloods.

Zeus: (roared) Your forces are intervening with the fates Protector, don't you understand the consequences of such hideous actions?
(His voice shook the entire marble structure)

Me: I'm the Protector, I protect life and that's what I'm doing. I don't care about the fates, when thousands of innocent lives are at stake.

Athena: Pull back SHEILD or the council might take some serious actions against it.

(The entire council had started talking and the halls were filled with voices of all the Gods chatting but my dad didn't speak at all. My blood boiled with anger. Why was dad so silent? Why was his face emotionalless? Why did they question SHEILD? All we were doing is protect endangered lives.)

Me: (I banged my trident on the floor to silence the council) I'm the Goddess of Truth and Life and I'm not going to call for a retreat

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Me: (I banged my trident on the floor to silence the council) I'm the Goddess of Truth and Life and I'm not going to call for a retreat.

The next goal of the Titan forces is to bring down Olympus and once camp half blood goes down then there would be no one to save Olympus.

( Suddenly, I could see sadness in my dad's eyes, there was something that the council didn't tell us about )

Apollo: (he raised his hand up) who ever stands in Protector's favour raise your hand up.

( Majority was in my favour )

Zeus: I'm not allowing you to.. ( before he could finish Hera cut in )

Hera: ( with a big smile ) Cut it Zeus! the council has aproved your actions and the council will provide help whenever it's needed.

Me: Thank you, your highness ( I bend in front of her in respect) I could see that Zeus felt disrespected so I then walked up to Zeus and bent down.

SHEILD thanks the Olympian council for the support your highness.

Dad gave me a apologetic smile.

I then teleported back to camp half blood.

The next chapter would be the last one.

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