Smokey air

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Well as I had said earlier, life has its ups and downs what I meant to say was that there comes a time when our life goes up and then suddenly and something was going to happen.

That morning. I was bewildered when Taylor hanged around with my friends rather than her evil girl clan.

It was science class, me and Stephany were working on a double displacement reaction in the class, I asked Stephany
" Do you know why Taylor was hanging around with me and my friends ?"

She said proudly " There are rumors that Taylor yesterday broke up with Jake and now Taylor's best friend Susan is dating Jake so they both had a really bad fight in which the her evil girl clan supported Susan and from then she stopped hanging around with them."

I was befuddled by this.

Soon after the class Taylor met me in the hallway and gave me a side hug I suffocated with her hideous super girly perfume.

Then at lunch Taylor, David and Chuck were sitting together on a bench eating lunch.

"Hey guys!" I said but there was no reply as everyone was busy stuffing some fries as the next class we all had together was computers in which we had our app presentation which needed a lot of energy.

Mine and Davids app presentation went well, Chuck and Taylor had teamed up and had faced problems as Taylor didn't have any technical knowledge but by the help of Chuck they finally made it.

Miss. Sally entered the class with the results which she was gonna announce and the top 10 teams will go to google HQ to develop their apps. " Okay class! .....The 7th position goes to Stewarts team ..... The 4th position goes to Chuck and Taylor.....the 3rd position goes to Ryan and David........"

So all 4 of us were going to Google HQ next week! All of us were jumping and laughing as this app took alot of effort to make.

The next day before my mom was locking the main door of my house as she was gonna go leave me at school and then leave for work.

I saw a grey porsche convertible with honey colored seats standing with David sitting at the back and Taylor at the wheel pull in our driveway, she shouted " Move it! We're late for school"

I jumped in next to Taylor and drove down the hill to school. Every guy at school was staring at me and David as we got off with Taylor at school.

The day was going good until the lunch break when, There was the announcement " Taylor windings please report to the principal's office."

We accompanied Taylor to the office and waited outside the principal's office.

Taylor's POV

Miss.Sally was standing next to Ma'am principal.

Ma'am principal asked me " Taylor, Miss. Sally told me that you and your group of friends smoke in the washroom?" My skin turned pale.
I replied " Yes ma'am my  ex-friends did."

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