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I was sitting on the cold concrete, Ryan resting his head on my lap.

I was watching his chest go up and down peacefully, listing to his breathing.

He was my everything, just by glance of him made me feel good. For the first time of my life I was addicted to someone, he wasn't perfect but I loved his imperfections it just made him perfect.

He was no highschool jock talking about soccer and cars 24*7 , he was no nerd trying to get the academic excellence award, he was no Knight in shinning armor on a white horse.

All he was is mine.

The sun was about to set, it would be better if we moved fast. I got up and now he was on my back.

" You're a really strong girl aren't you" he said.

" I guess being a cheerleader finally paid off" I said laughing

We both cracked some jokes while walking back home.

His knees and feet were swollen and had cuts all over his arms.

" I will never ever let anyone take you away from me" I said as we were almost home.

The setting sun had made him look more handsome.
Honestly I could feel his heat radiating, I could feel electric currents flow through my body as we talked.

YOU : Book 1Where stories live. Discover now