Chapter 30: I Wanna Live With Dad

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Rajah Pov
ITS BEEN 4 WEEKS!!!! i miss my baby boy, i called his phone, and he wont answer, im scared

I tried calling Mikey but he doesnt wanna answer his shit.

Is this Karma?? IF SO THEN ITS A BITCH
right now im layin on sasha's chest, rubbing the belly, making one of the twins kick

I smiled half heartedly, i remember when i was pregnant and felt Zach kick for the first time

Thinking about zach bought me into tears

I tried to be a good mother to him, i tried so hard

"Baby, dont stress over it too much, im sure he's with Mikey or at my motha's house, come on" she whispered while pecking my head

"Lets go out to eat, im fat and starving" i helped her up and we got in the shower


we got dress in something simple,
I had on a plaid flannel with my jean joggers and all white adiddas, and sasha had on a pink v neck , jean joggers and her pink and white adiddas

We got in the car, and i drove to BJ's .
We got out the car and i hold sasha around her waist helping her inside

"Hello welcome to BJ's, table or booth?" The woman said smiling lowly,

"Booth please" she nodded and grabbed the menus and sat us at a booth nearby

"Let me know when your ready to order"

She walked off, i looked at sasha and she was looking so cute scrunching up her nose as she was looking at the menu

"Baaaae i dont know what to eat" she nom nom on her thumb looking at me

" aww baby come here , u wanna try they buffalo wings" she snuggled up against my chest and nodded her head yes

I kissed her head and looked up.
My eyes open wide at the scene

"Zach??" I whispered, he was sitting with Mikey and some bitch

I got up and walked over there,
"Mikey, we needa talk..." i said sternly

"Oh. Hey rajah, this is Savannah, Savannah this is the mother of my son"

"Our..." i corrected, he rolled his eyes, and got up,

"Come on lets talk" we walked outside and he stopped and faced my way

"WHY!!!" He jumped a little

" I dont know what youre talking about ,but ima assume its my son"

"OUR...SON" He flinched, oh yeah mikey gets scared when i yell at him.

"Look, he told me what happen after i dropped him off, how could you slap a child?" He baller his fist

" THAT CHILD....was being mad disrespectful to me, so i retaliate, so dont sit up here and listen to that bullshit hes tryin to feed you"

"But still...Rajahnae, dont put your hands on him, okay or i can send your ass to jail for child abuse; he has a bruise on his face, and didnt go to school for three days, yeah i have that against my will, to protect my son from a monster like you"
He smirked

"Why are you..acting like this?" Tears came from my eyes

"You knew, i still fucking loved you Rajahnae, i refuse to give you away to my sister, we were suppose to be a happy family, i had a job and everything , and you threw me out"
His face was red,

"Because you cheated!! YOU FUCKIN CHEATED ON ME WITH THAT BITCH GINA!" he hugged me around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder

"I said i was sorry baby, just please lets be a family again, please"

I shook my head as the thoughts of us came back, he let go, and pecked my lips.

Sparks came back , the old him was still there,

"Really Rajah??" I turned around and there was Sasha and Zach, Zach shook his head and went to the car, And sasha had tears in her eyes

"Baby please, he kissed me first, i-i-i-i im sorry" she slapped me and pushed me onto the floor,

She walked over to Mikey and kneed him in the balls,


Zach added in "I WANNA LIVE WITH DAD!"

And they both were gone.





Wtf, what do you think , please comment or the continuation will end here

I really wanna know your guys's thoughts , and concerns , any questions

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