Chapger 42: Apologies

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"What comes around...goes around..just remember that boo mama" he pecked my cheek and walked out the room.

I sat on the floor. playing with my babies..

I needa get my baby back...but at the same time I dont want to
Its been a 2 days since ive been off work, and im already half way done with Christmas shopping

"Mmmm mwaahh" Danielle babbled i tickled her tummy and she smiled

Here i am wrapping gifts for Zach, Neicey, Rajah, Mickey ,Momma ,Poppa, and Ace.

Zach done got more things than the babies

speaking of the devil... "Wheres my babies?" Rajah asked looking around the room,

"Ones right here, the other one is sleeping" i stated going back to wrapping gifts

She shrugged her shoulders and picked up Danielle wiping her mouth

"Hey fat Buddah" she pecked her cheek continously, making Danny smile.

I need to apologize like asap no rocky

"Umm..Rajah..?" i kept fidgeting with my fingers

"Wassup? " she said looking at Danny still

"I miss you..I want you to come home" i grabbed for her arm and she tugged away

" got Maurice " she gave me that 'oh well' look

"RAJAH...MAURICE IS NOT MY FIANCÉ, YOU ARE GOD DAMN IT...and im soooorrry baby, i am i just---want things to be normal again, baby please Rara come home, to me and the kids be with us 24/7 instead of 3 days a week. Dont abandon us...especially me" by now i was shedding too many tears

"You right...Im not gon abandon my babies...but i sure as hell can abandon you.." she grabbed Danielle and Darell's diaper bag, grabbed Darell and walked out the door.

Leaving me there all by myself again.

I stopped wrapping gifts and sat on my bed.

My phone started vibrating , and without checking the Caller ID ,i answered

"Hello?" i sniffled

"Hey beautiful, i thought you got fired or sum" i mentally rolled my eyes, Maurice

" is not a good time" i grabbed my pillow and laid it in between my legs

"Why wats wrong who i gotta beat?" i chuckled

"You cant beat a female , Maurice" i looked at the time and it was 7:30 p.m.

"awh thats otay, i got you down for a friendly gathering at Chilis?"

" uh i cant im wrapping gifts.." I instantly grew tired

"Aw come on its a friendly gathering...At Chilis..CHILIS...girl why are you playing with a nice brotha's emotion" i heard his cockiness coming

"No thank you ,im not hungry...i'll talk to you later though..night" i hung up before he can say anything and continued to wrap the gifts.

Short update

Im really sleepy

Thank Ya

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