Chapter Three

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Someone was tapping my shoulder. I looked up expectantly, almost for a second seeing a shadow of Dallas's face, but it was only a little girl. She was staring at me, her hair tied up behind her in a ponytail and her clothing slightly worn out from playing outside like little girls do.

"Stop it, Will ya'?" I said sitting up from my position on the bench. She looked a bit happy for some reason, I think she's only a year or so younger than me, eleven possibly?

"Hi" she said sticking out her hand "My names Sandy." I shook it as she giggled a little bit. She motioned with her head towards the playground "Wanna go play?"

I nodded my head, and she took my hand and we ran the short distance on the grass, the entire park was just some dirt, ladders and a big fountain.

We swung until the sun was above our heads, but it was more of moving our feet on the ground while sitting on the swing. Sandy kept talking about on boy in particular, his name was really weird, Fizzy, Pop, Cola I don't know. She just kept talking about how they were soul mates, even though he was a whole grade ahead of her and probably didn't even know she existed.

I didn't mind talking, but I did avoid a lot of her questions. I didn't say anything about New York or Dallas by telling her that I'm a forgetful person and that I have memory loss.

"So what about you?" Sandy said, looking at me expectantly. " Hey, did you wanna eat some lunch at my house?" She said leaning herself into my view.

"Yeah." I said before standing up and shoving my hands into my jean pockets, I still didn't have a shirt, but thankfully my bra could almost pass as one of those half cut off shirts. We walked a few blocks to her house, there wasn't a fence on it and the door was unlocked so we just walked in like that.

"Grandma?" Sandy said, looking at the lady who was sitting on the dark blue and yellow stripped couch "Would you mind making me and my new friend here a sandwich?" The lady nodded and stood up.

Sandy grabbed my hand and lead me into a small room in the back of the house. "Welcome to my domain." she said, flopping herself on the bed as I sat on a chest full of toys. She noticed. "Now don't be shy..." she said dragging off the last world while patting the spot next to her on the bed. I climbed off and let my legs hang off, almost touching the floor, almost like when i was on the train....

I snapped out of, why is it that he mattered to me? We had just become friends a few days ago.

Sandy's grandma came in the room and gave us each a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, huffing to herself about my dirty shoes nearly ruining her floors. The second she shut Sandy's door a brown book was placed into my lap.

"Here" Sandy said "Its a journal, to, you know, help you remember things." I looked at it for a second before flipping through the empty yellow pages. There was a tiny pencil tapped inside of the opening page of the book.

"What do I possibly need to remember?" I said coolly, laying down on the bed to look up at the slow moving ceiling fan.

"Well, I don't know, your gonna want to remember some things won't you? Like your grandparents or your mom and dad or even your first crush." She smiled from ear to ear at me, her short brown hair curling up On its ends. Sandy was the thriving definition of a southern bell.

"I can't remember what I don't know, but why was this laying around here anyways?"

Sandy looked a bit worried for a second before saying in a hushed voice "Well... I write letters to Soda in it and put them in his mailbox, that's why a few pages are ripped from the back, I never do sign my name off on it though." she looked out of her window for a second "...But I think you can put it to better use."

"Thanks" I said slipping it under my shoulder. "Uh Sandy... do you got any old shirt I can borrow before I go outside again?"

"Oh, I almost forgot!" she chuckled before reaching in a drawer and pulling out an old sleeveless red shirt. "I never did like it on me anyways, you can keep it." she said, and with that I walked out of the house.

Something about Sandy just didn't feel right to me. Maybe its just me going crazy, but something seemed a bit to welcoming. Probably because she doesn't have anyone else, but I don't have anyone either.

I was almost back to the park when I heard some close girl yell "Get off of me you Greaser!" followed by the roar of a revolver.

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