Chapter Thirteen

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"What in the world were you thinking?" I said smiling while sitting down on to the old light yellow bed that smelled like smoke and ash. A relationship is not something I would enjoy faking here with all these people's to judge over, plus it would be holding me back. Dallas and I just got to our room because we had to stay behind for an hour or two and talk to some of the guys while Johnny and Pony got to run off and start smoking their weeds and playing cards.

"You'll thank me later Babe." Dallas said throwing his leather jacket onto a cheap leather seat before over exaggerating a wink, making his mouth open and move up as he closed his eye. He plopped down heavily on the bed close to where I was now lying down, placing his head right next to my chest. "You need to be careful around these boys." Dallas said looking up into my eyes. "The only girl they really got around here is Cindy, so don't be stupid and walk around at night or they'll think your another tramp." he said lowering his voice and furrowing his eyebrows together.

"Don't worry, Im not as stupid as you think I am." I said laying down on the bed. There was a tall thin mirror in the room that I saw Dallas gazing at himself at, rubbing at his chin. He really had lost weight from our trip, when was the last time we ate? "Ready to grow a beard or something?" I said sarcastically.

Dallas took out a cigarette and lighted it before laying down on the bed next to me again. All I heard was burning and silence. The burning was more intense than Dallas's cigarette though, but I shrugged it off, maybe I was just paranoid.

"Baby, I can hear your heart girl it's practically pounding out of your chest." Dallas said mockingly, propping himself up on his elbow. He looked at me, his eyes only partially open and his mouth formed into his usually smirk with one dark brown piece of hair broken out of his slicked back formation onto his forehead.

Then from lack of sleep I found that he laid his head on my arm and began another days worth of sleeping. He forgot to put his weed out, I'd haft to remember to talk to him about that. For one moment, everything was perfect, Dallas and I snuggled together in New York, but then I started hearing something strange, out of ordinary for where we were.

Feet were running rapidly down the hallway, we were on one of the top floors so I could really feel the floor below us shake. The shaking became violent, worse every second that I chose to ignore it. I thought they were just throwing a party where everyone jumps around possibly, until I saw grey outside of my window. It was pale for just a second until the thick grey smoke that turned black in a moment, a scary moment of realization dawned upon me.

"DALLAS GET UP!" I said and pushed him off the bed quickly. I heard his head smack onto the ground hard, but he stood up real quick with his eyes rolled back into his head, and hit me. I shrugged it off this one time and grabbed his hand and started running out of the door with him lazily running behind.

"Why are we runnin'?" Dallas mumbled out right before he saw the overwhelming amount of black smoke that flooded in the hallway. I looked where I remembered coming up the stair case, orange fire was coming in violent waves from it, illuminating part of the room in the midday fire, if I didn't know better I would say that for a second it seemed like we were in Hell.

"Damn it" I heard Dallas curse under his breath before grabbing me by the arms and began carrying me the same way young grooms do with their brides. I was virtually frozen in panic, not fear, so I didn't fight against him, he knew the layout of the building better that me anyways.

He rushed with me in his arms into a room on the other side of the hall way before throwing me down onto the chipped floor, surely riddling me with a thousand untraceable splinters. Then i noticed that there was a continuos hole I saw in the wood, big enough for just me to slip through that went to the floor below, and maybe even the floor below it. There was horrid flames in the floors below though, so I knew I would haft to make a run for it down the five or six stair cases below.

"Don't be stupid, Go Now!" Dallas yelled at me, shoving me towards the hole, still with a cold stare but a sort of compassion in his words. I looked up at him one last time, his hair hanged by pieces i front of his face and his ripped blue jeans not fitting into the scary moment.

The hole wasn't big enough for Dallas, that's when I noticed it was a death sentence for him and me both. I looked at him and back at the hole, unsure if to leave or to stay, I know he wanted me to leave, and I wanted to see him leave just so I wouldn't have to see him burn to death.

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