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It's been a week since the guys' last show of the tour. Sebastian, Syd, and the rest of the Skid Row guys flew back to Jersey, and they said they'd be back around Christmas. The Crüe boys are bored out of their minds, and Nikki seems to be getting a little closer to me. Mick doesn't act like as much of an asshole as he used to and Tommy and Vince are still cheeky bastards. Right now Nikki and I are in our room while the guys are downstairs. I didn't really feel like socializing tonight.

"Why've you been feeling so bad lately babe?" Nikki asks, his arm around me and his head on top of mine as I'm cuddled in his chest.
"I don't know. Just a cold I guess." I reply, pinching the bridge of my nose.
"You'll be okay." He says, kissing my temple and cuddling me softly.
"I'll be okay as long as you're with me."" I smile at him and say.
"You got it." He says, laughing back at me with that same cocky smirk.
He was about to kiss me when there was a knock at our door.
"Sorry if I'm interrupting anything but Lenny called again." Tommy called.
Nikki sighs before looking at me with an apologetic look and replying,
"Is it important?"
"Yes, Nik. It's always important in Lenny's eyes." Tommy says.
"Okay." Nikki calls back.
"I'm sorry baby. I wish I could stay here and help you get better." He looks at me with the same apologetic look.
"It's fine. I understand it's important." I say, scratching the back of my neck and getting under the covers, covering half of my face.
Nikki gets on top of me and kisses me before rolling off and saying,
"You're the best, never forget it." He says.
"I know, it's nothing new to me." I say with a smile. Nikki shakes his head and laughs before walking out the door.

I figured the boys would be back later on, so why not rest since I'm sick and have nothing else to do. I turn over under the covers and eventually fall into a deep sleep.

Until, that is, I was jolted awake by the slamming of a door. Sighing and sitting up, I heard someone walking up the stairs. Nikki walks in and sits beside me on the bed.
"Who slammed the door?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.
"Tommy, he's pissed because his name choice didn't get picked for the new album." Nikki laughs.
"What was his choice? And what choice won?" I ask.
"Well his choice was Bad Boy Boogie. The winning choice was Girls, Girls, Girls. Which was chosen by yours truly." Nikki says, that cocky smirk from earlier plastered upon his face.
"Poor Tommy." I say.
"He'll get over it." Nikki laughs.
"I'd be pissed too, especially if I lost to you." I tease with a smile.
"I'm gonna get you for that." Nikki says, reaching out and tickling me, causing laughter to erupt.
"Nik- stop!" I choke between laughs.
"Are you going to say sorry for making fun of me baby?" He says, continuing to tickle my sides.
"Yes, yes! I'm sorry, stop tickling me!" I finally choke out, making him stop.
"Good." He says, clapping his hands together and regaining our position of cuddling.
"I hate you." I pout, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Are you sure about that?" He says, holding his hands out like he was going to tickle me again.
"No, I don't hate you, I hate Tommy because he woke me up." I sigh.
"Understandable." He replies.
"What are we going to do tonight?" I ask him.
"We could play chess." He whispers huskily.
Out of no where, he pushes me back against the bed and kisses my neck, slowly moving his hands down my sides. He begins fiddling with the loose hem of my tank top, and slides one of the straps down my shoulder.
"This is for teasing me the other day." Nikki stops and whispers in my ear.
He leaves trails of kisses across my neck, and continues rubbing my sides with his hands, then rolls off of me.
"Now I actually hate you." I sigh, pulling the strap back up.
"No you don't." He teases.
"Yes I do." I continue.
"Do you want to play that game?" Nikki says, getting on top of me again.

"Mel, someone's on the phone for you!" Vince yells from downstairs.
"Coming!" I yell back.
"Who could be on the phone for you?" Nikki asks, sliding off of me.
"Probably Clarise, I don't know." I reply, hopping off the bed and opening the door. I walk down the stairs and answer the phone, and it was in fact Clarise.

"What's up Clarise?" I ask, wondering why my friend is calling.
"It's your mom. She's in the hospital." She says, sounding incredibly tired.
"What? Why?" I ask frantically.
"Nothing serious, she just got into a wreck. But they said she should be fine." She finishes.
"Okay, I'll be there whenever I can." I reply and sigh in relief.
"Get here soon. Try not to bang Nikki before you come." She laughs at the other end of the line. I could feel her smirk now.
"Shut up." I laugh back and hang up.

Well, I guess this is how Nikki is going to meet my mom. I sigh and walk back upstairs, passing Vince sitting at the bar in the kitchen.
"Everything okay doll?" Vince asks, sipping his drink from a red cup.
"Yea, my mom is in the hospital but she's going to be fine." I reply.
"Sorry, hope she gets better. What happened?" He says.
"She was in a wreck or something. I don't know the details yet." I say, walking back upstairs to find Nikki watching a movie on TV.

"Who called?" Nikki asks, patting the bed beside him.
"Clarise. She called to tell me my mom's in the hospital. She was in a wreck."
"Oh my god, Is she okay?" Nikki asks frantically.
"Yes Clarise said she'd be fine. I'm going there to see her, if you want to come." I say, suddenly feeling really tired.
"Of course babe, I need to be there to comfort you." He says, getting up and embracing me.
"I'll put some clothes on and we can go." I say, walking to Nikki's closet and pulling out my sweatpants and a hoodie. I slide the articles of clothing on and walk back out into the room where I find Nikki in a pair of jeans and a jacket.
"Ready?" He asks.
"Yeah. She's  at Plainview downtown." I inform him.

We rushed to the car and got there in a matter of minutes. I walk up to the nurses station and ask to see my mom, in which the nurse informs me she's down the hall. I nervously opened the door to my mom's room, where she's sleeping and Clarise is sitting in a chair on the other side of the room.

"Hey, what happened?" I ask, hugging my friend.
"Someone sideswapped her and she got knocked out. The doctors said she'd be fine, just a light concussion that's all." Clarise replies in a comforting tone.
"I guess we'll have to stay here until she wakes up. You can go home if you want to Nik." I say to my boyfriend.
"No way, I'm not leaving your side." He gives a small smile.
"That bed pulls out right there, you guys can sleep in it." Clarise points to a pullout bed across the room.
I guess we'll see where this goes in the morning. Hopefully Mom doesn't say anything bad about my relationship with Nikki, because it's definitely not the time for that.

A/N: I'm so sorry about this chapter. It honestly sucked. I'm at a loss for ideas and I'm not satisfied with it. Let me know what you think! xx

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