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A/N: so sorry for slow updates :( I've lost motivation, school is a pain in the ass, and in all honesty, I'm completely out of ideas. The plotline still isn't anything in particular. Thanks for reading so far! Again, I'm sorry for slow updates, I'll try to update as much as I can during fall and winter break. Love you all! xoxo Laken ❤️ (ps: this one is for duffsmckagan poursome80sonme  🌚)

It's been a month since Nikki and I made love for the first time in our 4 month relationship. Things were great for a while, but now things are a bit awkward between us. He's still the Nikki I love and desire, just a tad different.

All of us are gathered around the television as we usually are on Saturdays. I'm laying on Nikki's chest while he's rubbing my back gently. Out of no where, Vince speaks up and asks if anyone wants to go to the Whiskey, in which we all do.

Nikki and I grab each other's hands and walk out the door behind Ari, Tommy, Vince, and Mick.  We get in Mick's car and drive the short 10 minutes to get to our favorite club, and are soon sitting in our usual booth in the back.

We make small talk before the waitress comes and takes our orders, all the guys get vodka, and Ari and I only get a beer. I decide I have to go to the bathroom, but I actually just need some air.

I whisper in Nikki's ear and tell him where I'm going, and he nods and kisses my cheek. I walk over to the small bathroom in the corner of the bar, and step in.

I look at myself in the tiny mirror hung on the wall, and I look physically and emotionally tired. I don't know what's wrong with me; I'm not stressed about anything. Being constantly with the guys tires me out I guess. I rub my eyes and wipe them with a paper towel, and out of no where the door opens, startling me a bit.

It's Nikki.

"Nik, what are you doing in here?" I ask, still a little jumpy.
"Came in here to see if my favorite girl is okay." He smiles sweetly, but I can tell he wants more.
"What do you want, really." I sigh.

He pushes me up against the wall and kisses my neck roughly. I respond for a moment, then a reality check kicks in. We're in a fucking bar.

I slowly push him away from me, as much as I enjoyed it, I have a little more respect for myself than to fuck in a public restroom where there's probably hundreds of diseases floating around. Nikki sighs and looks at me with a confused look in his eyes.

"Nikki, not here. I don't want to have sex in a shitty bar bathroom." I explain, trying not to piss him off.

"Okay, fine." He grits, then slams out the bathroom.

I follow closely behind him and notices he's going outside. Probably to smoke a cigarette.

I finally catch up to him and discover him in fact, smoking a cigarette.

"Baby, I'm sorry. If you want to do something, I'll gladly do it, but not here." I plead.

"No I'm sorry, if you don't want to then you don't have to. I'm not forcing you to do anything." He apologizes.

I walk over and sit on his lap on the ground, and his hands trail around my waist, and his lips to the back of my neck.

I put my hands over his and turn to face him, and say, "How did I get so lucky?"

He smiles for a second, then answers, "I ask myself the same thing every day."

I kiss him and we stay like that for a minute. The guys should be out any time, they're all pretty wasted by now. Poor Ari, I left her all alone. She's going to kill me later.

Speak of the devil. Ari comes out of the bar and has an irritated look on her face.

"Why'd you leave me with those idiots." Ari sighs, her Portuguese accent is thick when she's annoyed, I find it hilarious.

"Sorry babe, I needed air." I say between giggles, and her death glare returns.

"You aren't gonna get any air sucking faces." She laughs.

With that, the guys stumble out of the bar, ready to go home.

"Did y'all get tired of us, eh?" Vince slurs, following us to the car along with the rest of the guys, and Ari.

"No." Nikki spits, already annoyed with the drunks.

We arrive home in about fifteen minutes, and I'm really tired. Nikki helps the guys back to their rooms and I get my pajamas on and get in bed.

I hope Nikki doesn't want to do anything, I don't have the energy. Is this always how it is after the first time?

Nikki stumbles in a few minutes later, clearly annoyed, and slides his jeans off and gets in bed. He plays with my hair for a few moments, before finally drifting off to sleep. Shortly after, I do the same.

Before I went to sleep, I thought about Nikki and I's relationship. It was almost fate. I met my best friend and the love of my life on a day I didn't expect. It was almost out of no where, honestly.

He's changed my life completely in a good way, and I hope it doesn't get any different. I don't know how to thank him other than give him my all, which he always does for me.

A/N: sorry for the short and shitty chapter. I promise I'll have something in the future :) I'm still trying to figure out where this story is going to go, so bare with me. Tell me in the comments what you thought of the story, what you want to happen next, etc. well it's 2am so I'm off. -Laken ❤️

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