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a/n: hope you all had a merry Christmas! Sorry I haven't posted lately. Love you all. xx Laken

Today is Christmas Eve, and it seems like this year has flown by faster than ever. It's been a great one. I've made some memories that I'll definitely never forget with Nikki. It's times like this that really make you think about your life, and how fast it can go. I'm happy with mine at this point. I'm one of those people who really don't worry about the future, just live for now. I hope nothing is different with me and Nikki in the near future, but like I said I don't worry.

We're all gathered around the fireplace telling our favorite stories from this year, and Tommy is currently telling one about something that happened in a bar, which no one is surprised about.

"So we were in the Whiskey, right? Well this drunk dude tries to start shit with me but when I just threw a fist in the air he backed away!" He laughs, and we all laugh around with him.
Ari just shakes her head. She sure has patience if she can deal with that tool.

Nikki is up next, and he is telling the story of when we met. I remember it like it was yesterday.

"I saw the most beautiful girl, she seemed different than all of the other ones I've met. She didn't know who I was." He laughs and continues, "and know look where we are, I'm with the love of my life and I couldn't be happier. Just be glad I was craving diner coffee that day." He finished, and kissed my cheek.


After we all finished our stories, Ari and I made cookies for us and the guys, which didn't last more than five minutes.

I finished some last minute wrapping, and Ari helped. I hope the guys love their presents, especially Nikki's.

I looked at the small frame I was about to wrap for my boyfriend. It's a picture from a few months ago, when we had a barbecue with some friends. I was on Nikki's back, leaning towards his face, and he was looking up about to kiss me. A perfect moment that is always relaying in my mind.

Special moments like those are the best parts of a relationship, and I'm glad they're with Nikki. I really don't know what I'd do without him, he's apart of me; a piece of my heart.


They guys decide to go to the only bar that's open on Christmas Eve, which is Rainbow.

We get there in the same amount of time we usually do, fifteen minutes.

We take our seat in the usual booth we sit in, in the back of the club. It's packed, as usual.

I've never discussed it with Nikki or really anyone, but I kind of have anxiety when I'm around large groups of people. So many things could go wrong; it's truly a frightening thought.

Tommy leaves to go to the bathroom and Mick and Vince go to retrieve some drinks. Leaving Ari, Nikki and I alone at the table.


We chat about some things for a few minutes before Ari leaves to go check on Tommy. I don't have a good feeling about this.

Ari suddenly runs out of the bathroom crying, and in complete hysterics. She runs outside, and I quickly get up and follow her. I notice that Nikki goes to the bathroom to see what's up with Tommy.

I find her in the corner of the building, crouched down and leaned up against the brick wall, completely in tears; her eye makeup smeared and her complexion paler than usual. 

"Ari, what the hell happened?" I ask, rubbing her back trying to comfort her.

"I-I went to check on Tommy and h-he was kissing some other girl, he was pulling up her shirt-" she said, before I interrupted her.

"You can stop right there, Ari." I sighed. I knew I had a bad feeling about this.

"I thought he loved me." She whispered.

Suddenly Nikki and Tommy came out of the club, and Nikki shoved Tommy against the wall.

"What the hell dude! Not only did you cheat on Ari, but with Vanity, what the fuck was going through your mind!" Nikki bawls, clearly pissed off. Whoever this "Vanity" is, sure makes his blood boil.

"I'm telling you dude! She came on to me! She came out of fucking no where!" Tommy exclaims.

Nikki looks over at the two of us, me comforting Ari while she cries what seems like endless tears.

"I don't know how she's out of prison, or what she's doing back here, or what the fuck she's up to, but it better not be like what happened last time." Nikki shouts at Tommy, who is still distressed from being shoved.


The car ride was silent. No one spoke, no one made hardly any noise. Even the world seemed quiet at this point.

All I could think about was what Nikki said. Who's Vanity? How does she know Tommy and Nikki? What happened last time?

A/N: ooh, cliffhanger 🌚 thanks for reading so far, some real bad shit is about to go down. xx Laken

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