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I woke up to an empty spot on the bed next to me. I can never sleep when Nikki isn't right beside me.

The clock on the desk reads 11:41 pm.

I went downstairs to see if I could find Nikki, and he was no where to be found. Where could he be?

I went back to bed and prayed he would just come in any minute, but hours passed and he never did.

4:13 am, he's still not home.

A few minutes later he walks in the bedroom, stumbling, and the smell of alcohol could be smelled for miles.

"Oh baby, you're up." He slurs, making his way over to the bed.

"What the hell Nikki? Why did you go drink this late at night?" I yell.

"I am a grown ass man, I can drink whenever I damn well please." He says and I scoff.

"Yes, and I was also here worrying about you. You have a problem, Nikki." I say, turning over and facing the wall, so I don't have to look at his face.

"Look at me." He says, and I just ignore him.

"Fucking look at me!" He says, louder.

I turned to face him, and much to my dismay he was closer than he was before.

"I was stressed and I couldn't sleep. So I went to get home drinks to calm my nerves." He apologized, his puppy dog eyes making it hard to not forgive him.

"Whatever. There's other ways of calming your nerves." I say in a rough tone.

"You don't get it, but you're right. I have a problem."

He sits down next to me on the bed and puts his head in his hands, clutching his knees close to his chest.

"Just go to sleep. I can deal with you in the morning." I say, falling back into my slumber.


"I don't need help, Mel! I can do this on my own! Please don't go!" Nikki says a little louder than I appreciate.

"No, you can't. We're always having this conversation. You have a problem and you won't do anything about it. I've had enough of your shit." I sigh, packing my suitcase to go to my friend Lynne's house.

"Baby, please. I'll do anything I can. I'm sorry." Nikki continuously begs.

"When you get your problem straightened out, call me. Our child doesn't need this." I look down at my ever growing bump on my stomach.


"He's a rockstar, Mel. I can't say I'm surprised." Lynne says, sipping her coffee.

"Just because he's a rockstar doesn't mean he has to drink. We have a child to think about here. It's like he doesn't care about it at all." I say, tears brimming my eyes and my eyeliner running.

"You know that's not true. You saw how excited he was to be a father. He's just not used to committing to things." Lynne states.

"He's committed to me for over a year now. Why is it so hard for him to get his problem fixed? I know what it's like to have an alcoholic, abusive father and I don't want our baby to go through the same thing I did when I was little." I rant, still fighting tears.

"Maybe he'll surprise you. You never know."


Nikki's POV

"I fucked up man, big time" I say to Mick, telling him everything that happened between Melissa and I.

"Yes you did. But you can fix it"

"How?" I ask curiously, already knowing what he's going to say.

"Go to rehab, or whatever it takes." Mick says.

"I've done that so many times before, it never helps. They just frustrate me." I roll my eyes.

"Dude, stop being a self centered asshole for once in your life. You've got a great girl who'd do anything for you and who is trying to fight for you, not to mention a baby on the way. You have to grow up and be a man. Suck it up for that kid, if anything." Mick scolds.

"I'll do whatever I have to do, I fucking guess."

A/N: leave feedback, please! -Laken

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