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Nikki and I woke up a couple hours ago. Mom hasn't woke up yet, but it looks like she will soon. Clarise is asleep in the chair, she can literally sleep upside down if she had to. She's been that way forever. Mom flutters her eyes open and looks around the room.
"Hi mom." I say, walking to her bedside and holding her hand.
"Hey baby, what happened?" She asks, sitting up.
"You were in a wreck and you got knocked out, but you're fine." I say with a slight smile.
"Who's that?" She asks, looking at Nikki, who has a nervous look on his face.
"Mom, this is my boyfriend Nikki. We've been dating for almost 2 months." I say, smiling at Nikki to give him a little comfort.
"Hello Ms. Jarrett." Nikki says from behind me, leaning forward to shake her hand.
"Oh no honey, call me Abby. I'm sorry we had to meet like this, I probably look like hell." Mom sighs, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"You look great, and it's great to meet you don't worry." Nikki comforts.
"So how long have I been here?" Mom asks.
"You were admitted yesterday." I answer, letting go of my mother's hand and sitting back on the couch with Nikki.

By this time, Clarise had woken up and was listening to the conversation.

"Oh. And no one knows the details of what happened?" Mom adds.
"I spoke to the officer and he said the driver drove off when they hit you, but they're investigating." Clarise answers.
"Ugh. That jerk." I say and Mom just sighs.
"They're supposed to be letting you out soon. They just have to finish the tests." Clarise adds.
"Do you hurt anywhere?" I ask.
"No, other than my head. It's killing me." Mom sighs, laying back down and staring at the ceiling.
"We're going to go so you can get some rest, call me if you need anything." I say, Nikki and I getting up. I place a kiss on her cheek and go out the door.

"That went better than I thought it would." I say, interlocking my hands with Nikki's as soon as we're in the car.
"Why do you say that?" Nikki asks, looking at me then directing his attention back on the road.
"She's hated all of my boyfriends." I shake my head, remembering past encounters.
"Maybe because all of your boyfriends weren't as hot as me." Nikki smirks.
"Very true, but no. I've dated rich bastards and asshole football players, that's why." I admit.
"I can see why your mom hated them then." Nikki says with a cocked eyebrow.
"You're definitely the best boyfriend I've ever had." I smile at him and he squeezes my hand.

We got home a few minutes later, and as soon as we walked in we found Vince stretched across the couch watching a movie with a bottle of Coke sitting between his legs.
"Hey doll, how's your mom?" Vince asks, sitting up and awaiting my answer.
"She's fine, she just woke up. She had a concussion." I sigh.
"Glad she's fine." He replied.
"Thanks." I mumble, walking upstairs to the bedroom with Nikki following behind me.

I stretch myself on the bed and Nikki gets in the place beside me, rubbing my back comfortingly.
"Since it's only noon, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?"  Nikki asks.
"We can just chill out here and I can cook for you and the guys." I suggest.
"Yeah we really need that, things have been pretty hectic here lately." Nikki says then sighs.
"How's the new album coming?" I ask, shifting over so I can look him in the eye.
"We have three more songs to write, then it should be released next year. After that, we usually have a tour." Nikki finishes.
"That's nice. When do you pick who tours with you?" I ask another question, trying to kill time.
"After the album is completed, Lenny calls a couple people up to see if they're down for it. If we don't find anyone three months after the album is released, we tour on our own." Nikki answers, probably bored with my flooding of questions.

A couple hours passed by, and Nikki answered all of my questions about the album and tour and such. I'm currently cooking grilled cheeses for all the guys, and frying some French fries. Nikki is sitting on the edge of the counter watching me intently.

"Do you like what you see?" I giggle, turning around from the stove to meet Nikki's gaze then directing my attention back on the stove.
"You're so cute when you cook, I love it." Nikki laughs, hopping off the counter and walking over to me, snaking an arm around my petite waist and resting his chin on my shoulder, sneaking kisses as he does so.
"It's kind of hard to concentrate on the food with you breathing down my neck, Nik." I joke, taking the sandwiches off the stove and placing them on the counter. Just then Mick walks in the kitchen with an annoyed look on his face, the usual.
"Good, you're almost done. The guys have been complaining that they're starving for ages." Mick grumbles, sitting on a stool at the counter.

"Food's ready boys!" I call from the doorway, escaping from Nikki's iron grip and sitting down at the table where I placed the food platter.

Vince and Tommy walk through the kitchen and sit at the table, and Vince claps his hands together.
"Looks good doll." Vince says.
"Thank you." I reply.

The food was gone in a matter of minutes, which I'm not surprised about, considering they're four men.
"Why don't you tell us a little about your mom?" Tommy suggests from across the table.
"Well, for starters, she had me when she was 21, and my dad left shortly after that." I begin, all eyes now on me and apologetic looks on everyone's faces, and Nikki's hand on my thigh, squeezing it to urge me to continue.
"I don't remember much about my dad, but the way she talks, he was abusive and I'm glad I didn't have to know him." I cough, then continue.

"She says we were homeless when he left, and then we went to move in with my grandma, who I also don't remember. Then she got a steady job and we moved into my old house. And when I turned 16 I moved here with Clarise, who was 19 at the time. Mom moved here shortly after, because she doesn't like being alone for too long. That's about it." I finish, Nikki wiping a tear from my eye that I didn't even know escaped.

It's surprising, I don't usually open up that much to people. Maybe these guys are changing me for the better.

"Wow, it seems as if your mom has been through a lot." Tommy states.
"Yes. She turned out to be one of the best moms I could ever ask for though." I smile, and with that, we all cleaned up and continued ahead with our day.

A/N: I'm horrible at writing, I'm sorry. Hope you're at least enjoying something. I'll have another update soon. :)

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