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A/N: reminder that there's only going to be a few more chapters. Love you guys. -Laken

It has been quite a while since Nikki got clean. Things are better than they ever were before. We had a beautiful baby girl, Kathleen Mariana. Kathleen after the legendary Kathleen Hanna, whom I've adored for years, and Mariana after Ari, since she's my best friend. She has my last name for now, but hopefully that will change soon. She looks a lot like Nikki when you look closely- his big and beautiful eyes, black hair. This is definitely Nikki's little angel.

Tomorrow is also our anniversary, have i really been with him for 3 years? Our rough patches have definitely gotten us to a better place. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

I'm currently driving Kathleen to Ari and Tommy's so they can watch her while Nikki and I go to celebrate our anniversary early. He's taking me to a hotel and he said the rest I'll find out later. So that's interesting I guess.

I reach Ari's in about five minutes. Kat is already asleep. I sigh and walk over to her door, unclicking her belt and carrying her on my arm, while grabbing her bag with my other one.

Ari and Tommy came outside, Tommy grabbing Kat with one hand, and Ari grabbing the diaper bag.

"Thanks so much again guys, it means a lot." I say.

"No prob, Mel. We love to watch our favorite princess." Tommy smiles.

"I've got to go get ready, I'll see you when we get back." I say, giving them both hugs and kissing Kathleen before I go.

"Take care of her."
"Go on Mel, don't worry."


"Baby, this night has been magical." I kiss Nikki then look back up at the stars. He had set up a picnic in one of my favorite parks. He really knows how to spoil me.

"I know, you deserve it." He says, wrapping his arms around me.

"But I don't deserve you." I look back up at him, and he's smiling down at me.

"I think it's me who doesn't deserve you."

"That's bullshit, I need you." I say, placing another peck on his cheek.

"I need you more."


Today's the day of our anniversary. 3 years. Wow. It's hard to believe it was three whole years ago since I met Nikki Sixx at a diner. I thought my life would go no where, and that I'd never find love- but boy was I wrong. He changed my life drastically. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

"You ready to go?" Nik asks, peeking his head in the bathroom.

"Yeah babe, I'm coming."

He's taking me to dinner, then we're heading home. I'm ready to see my baby. Mothers have withdrawals when they aren't holding their children for a while. Maybe it's just me.

Nikki picked out my dress, of course. It's a midlength red bodycon dress, and it fits my curves perfectly. I paired it with my black pumps and minimal makeup.


We arrive at the restaurant soon after. I remember this place- Nikki took me here on a date a while ago. Crazy how time flies like that.

Anyway, Nikki ordered my favorite: rotini with five cheese marinara and extra cheese. He know me so well.

We talked a bit about how far our relationship has come, and then suddenly Nikki sat in the seat beside me. He seemed nervous and kept one hand in his coat pocket.

"Mel, baby. We've been through so many ups and downs, and now we have a beautiful little angel that I wouldn't trade for the world. Things are great and I want them to stay that way. Ever since I met you in that diner, I knew you'd be mine. You're all I ever think about. You're my heroin. --"

He got on one knee, and I felt the waterworks coming.

"--- Will you marry me, Melissa Renee Jarrett?" He finished with his signature smirk. How do I say no to that?

"Yes, Nikki. Of course I'll marry you."

He stands up and puts the ring on my finger, and gives me a kiss. The whole restaurant is cheering and clapping, saying the usual "congrats" and stuff.

I'm going to spend the rest of my life with the man I love, and nothing can change that.

Time For a Change. (Nikki Sixx)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora