Interview With PurpleStar97

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How did you find Wattpad?

Well…it’s a very long story, but since you’re asking I shall let you in on the secret!! :D

I think it’s probably well known that I have an obsession with the romance between Renesmee Cullen and Jacob Black from the Twilight saga. I had watched all the videos I could find on YouTube (sad isn’t it?lol). So one day just typed in Renesmee and Jacob into Google. A story from came up and I read that. Then when I had finished reading it, I looked around for more stories about them. And a story by a Wattpad user caught my eye. I read it….and wanted more. So I searched for more and more stories about the Twilight characters!

After a while I found it was really difficult to remember all of the story names so I made a decision that changed my life….I made a Wattpad Account!! A few weeks later I published the first chapter for my story “Moonless Night” (twilight fanfic!lol) And I soon got addicted to the wonderful wattpad world! That’s about it!  

What convinced you of writing?

Umm…reading I guess. My dad is a very avid reader, when I was younger he would always be reading these huge books that where so heavy when I lifted them! I can’t remember him ever reading to me…but he must have at some point lol

Is there meaning behind your username, or was it just a spur of the moment


I LOVE the colour purple and stars have always fascinated me, put that together with my year of birth and that is one awesome user name, not to blow my own trumpet ;)

It actually took me ages to think of this user name. I NEVER make accounts for anything. Lol

Is there anyone that has inspired your writing?

One person springs to mind. I’ve known her for ages and ages, since I was born more than likely, and ever since I can remember she would always tell me about the stories that she was writing. She told me that she was fourteen when she actually got interested in making her own novel. And this was without wattpad!

She’s writing a series of books….I think there are nine or ten books altogether. And she’s still going! She wants to self publish them…I be offering as much support as I can! ;)

Also…my family mean a lot to me. Sometimes I base characters around them…that’s always fun.

Do you believe in writer’s block?

Yes I do. I sometimes say that I have writers block when really I’m just too lazy write anything :D but there are times when my mind just turns to mush. My personal cure is eating chocolate…sleeping….eating….going for a walk (we all need that exercise…don’t just sit at the computer all day long) ….eating chocolate some more…and weirdly enough, blowing bubbles helps as well!

What do you think about ‘What’s Hot’?

It’s confusing.

It’s a great idea to show what people like and are reading, and you may even find something that you like. You could be the kind of person who loves romance and will read nothing unless it had romance in it…but then this action packed sci/fi read comes along on the ‘What’s Hot’ and you fall in love with the whole story. But…yeah…like everyone else I say that it’s a shame that all of the good stories don’t get noticed and all of the awfully written ones with no punctuation whatsoever get to the top.

Maybe thing will start to get better on that front though, now that the Wattpad Talent Hunters have arrived lol

Have you discovered anyone on here that you like, writing or personality wise?

Two of my friends have accounts here! But I have had a few conversations with others…mostly about the Breaking Dawn trailer…. (I know I know!! sad!)

How does music affect your writing?

It defiantly strengths my focus. I couldn’t live without my music! I listen to it almost constantly! Lol 

If you could publish your work, would you?

Yes. A very certain yes! But I wouldn’t let anyone look at it until it has been properly edited :D

Can you give me a sneak peak to what you’re working on now?

Sure I can! Umm…this is the beginning of the seventeenth chapter in my story “Wild Young Hearts.” I’m stopping all of my other stories in July just to work on this particular one. It’s burning inside of me and I really need to get it out of me. ;) lol 

His biceps bulged underneath his thin t-shirt. I tried not to stare but my young mind didn’t see any problem with it. I had never seen a boy as muscular as he was. All of the boys my mother would introduce me to where skinny and pasty in comparison.

I decided to tell him that. We enjoyed making fun of boy like that. But it was alright, the boys where horrible to me so I didn’t feel like I was being vile to them. 

“Desta?” he turned from the table and cast his eyes down to me. “Your arms look different to the boys I know.”

“How?” he tried to portray indifference on his features but I knew him well enough to know what he was really thinking.

“The others don’t look as strong as you.”

There!  A sneak peak before the chapter is even published!

And finally, what would you like to tell your fans?

“We are the future. Anything can happen if you just believe…” Guess what film? lol 

Yeah…I wouldn’t say that, but I will say that we are lucky. We are lucky to have the ability to create new worlds.

Enough cliché! I’m just happy that I can tell my fans something! Thankyou for being my fans! :D

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now