Interview With dhampirluv

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-Y'ello! What's your name?

Hi my name is Aitana 

-Does your username describe your personality? Or is it just RaNdOm? 

My username was a inspired by my love for the vampire academy series 

-Wattpad is ah-mazing! How has it changed you? 

Wattpad has opened my eyes to amazing work, amazing people, and more! Lol 

-Have you been doing anything to help the environment? 

I recycle boys ;) lol honestly nope not really haha (HAHAHA! I LOVE that answer :D)

-Pen and paper- or a computer? 

Computer all the way!! I would die with out it, screw pen and paper! Hand over the goods lol

-If you could have one thing you don't already have, what would it be?

hmmm unlimited supply of tacos! Lol jk um I would say something that benefits my family :)

-Do comments help encourage you?

Comments encourage a writer beyond belief, as for me definitely yes. It shows if someone is reading and helps me. 

-Is there anyone you want to send a shout out to?

My man, baby I love you <3

And Nikki aka MonsterHospital, love you my fellow partner in crime/fellow pole dancer ;)

-Name three things that end with 'P'.

Pep, step, up lol that was random:) 

-Well, that's it! Anything you want to tell your wonderful fans? 

Beer before liquor makes you sicker but liquor before beer you're in the clear;)

Haha jk I wanna say that I love all of you and thanks you for all of your support! <3 

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now