Interview With NoMusic_NoLife

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-Oh! You must be the famous -insert name here- :P


-How did you get the idea for your username? 

Well, I'm a music junkie. If I don't listen to at least three songs a day I will basically shut down, Hence: NoMusic_NoLife

-Have you ever considered publishing your work? Or is it just for fun?

Um, I have considered but I think for now that I'll just write for fun. :)

-Are you doing anything to 'go green'? 

Yes, actually I have been 'Going Green'. I'm always recycling and reusing things. 

-If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you take with you?

Probably water, food, and my fully charged Ipod.

-Pokemon or Domo?


-Does music have any effect on how you write a story?

Yes, it gives me most of my inspiration. If I'm writing a happy scene I'll be listening to a happy song. Sad scene= Sad song. Ect. ect.

-Name four things that start with 'Q'. :3

Queen's, Quail, Quarter, and Quiet. :)

-Is there anyone you want to send a shout out to?

Absoutley! SonorousSilence! She is an amazing writer, friend, and listener! Thank you so much Molly for being my friend and co-writer!!!! Xoxo

-What do you want to tell your fans? 

I just want to thank them for supporting me with my writing and just being great fans! Thanks!!


Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now