Interview With BeFearless (OurUserNameSucks)

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-Y'ello! What's your name?

My name is ................. STALKERS O__O I can't tell you ;P but it begins with S

-Does your username describe your personality? Or is it just RaNdOm? 

Ehh...... it was kinda random! I like Taylor Swift if that helps. You know what Britt / LetsMakeOut?  Be Fearless kay? XD

-Wattpad is ah-mazing! How has it changed you? 

The last time I bought a real book was 4 months ago  - __ -  So yeah.... lmao

-Have you been doing anything to help the environment? 

Random.... but yeah... I took out the recycling (coughs uncontrollably) MOVING ON.......

-Pen and paper- or a computer? 

Computer?? LAPTOP ALL THE WAY BABEYY.........

-If you could have one thing you don't already have, what would it be?

I really...... like REALLY REALLY want a cat called Nala. (insert blank face) Unfortunately my family think cat hairs on the sofa would be disgusting... except my 3 year old sister but who listens to kids ehh?? * Growls* XD

-Do comments help encourage you?

Hell yeah.... hint hint ;) ....... it's kind of a motivator......when I see someone has commented there's an actual SMILE on my face. Like not a grin, a full teeth showing smile. And now by saying smile I'm thinking of Avril Lavigne's song SMILE :D. So keep commenting people.... you make meh HAPPY :)

-Is there anyone you want to send a shout out to?

Yup..... to belieber765 my BESTIE for life...... LOVE YOU HUNNY!! <3 Oh and to everyone who reads Be My Superman coz you guys are awesomesauce!!

-Name three things that end with 'P'.

Wentletrap, frap & ;P...... oh wait that isn't a word.... er mishap. Hahaha...... I find it cool how these are actually REAL words! Do I know what they mean?? No.

-Well, that's it! Anything you want to tell your wonderful fans? 

I have an awesome book as most people know ;P and everyone one of you' are in it ;) hehe.... that includes you Britt :D YOU GUYS ARE AWESOMESAUSE and well the reason I still write. LOVEEE YAAA x

~ BeFearless x

P.S I LOVE CHOCOLATE ;) hehe...... Mwah ;P

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now