Interview With ihatecheese

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-Heyy! What's your name?

My name, you ask?  Well, my internet name is Dani. I use it all things internet,  in fear of giving out too much information. WHY WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW??! No, jk, I'm not that paranoid...but my mom is XD haha my real name is actually Jayce - weird, right? - and my last name is too weird to mention so...yeah teehee!

-Is there a background on your username?

I suppose so. This is my third username. My first was lildani (obvious why), my second was BlubBlubGoesTheWhale. I used to say that all the time...and to this day I don't know why. My background for this name is because I simply hate cheese. I hate cheese on my burgers, in my salads...I like cubed cheese, though. Cubed, not sliced or melted. Teehee!

-How did you find Wattpad?

I don't quite remember. Maybe I was searching for online stories? I don't know.

-Did someone inspire you to write or did you just randomly start writing?

I'm random, therefore randomly writing at a young age came naturally. Nothing really inspires me because I like to inspire myself. Why be inspired by something that's already revealed to the world? I like to surprise myself and find inspirations within me. Why does that sound so cheesy? :P

-Wattpad is a great place to meet people. Have you met anyone with a similar style to yours

Like I said, I'm random. No one compares to me. But I guess I would have to say racingheart. She comes pretty close.

-What do you write and/or read most of the time?

I experience with many genres. I never wrote and or liked werewolf stories, yet I wrote one. I love funny things, so I'm writing She Left Her Bra In Your Car. I attempted at writing horror, because I am in love with scary films, but it didn't worry out so much in my opinion. Once I deleted it though, some people untanned me. It's okay. It's not their fault they can't handle my supreme awesomeness. It's their genes teehee :)

-What's your opinion of the 'What's Hot' list?

Bleh. No, really - What's Hot is based off of how many reads, votes, and comments the author gets. I've read some What's Hot stories, and wasn't impressed. I mostly stumble upon stories.  I don't look for them based on numbers.

-How has Wattpad changed you?

I was never really an internet person. Thank you, Wattpad, for limiting my life to spending hours in front of the computer.

-Do comments from your fans help your writing technique?

Not really. They never write anything constructive. I guess they're afraid. My internet persona can be a little intimidating :P

-What would you like to tell your fans?

Could you please comment more? Jesus, I feel like I'm milking a cow when I ask you guys to comment, but hey!  What's a non-cheese lover to do?

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now