Interview With cielforever

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-Bonjour! What's your name?

my real name is Drew.

-Is there some sort of secret meaning behind your username?

Or is it rAnDoM? Yes, actually i fell in love with the kuroshitsuji musical and the one who played ciel has the same birthday as mine so i thought it was cool.

-Describe yourself in one epic word.


-Are you listening to music right now? If so, what song/artist?

SHINee song hello

-What is your overall opinion of Wattpad?

Wattpad is amazing! I'm never had soe many wonderful people reading my stories.

-Are you 'going green'? 

Eww no, I love the planet since i was raised in the country but i cannot change my ways. I'm to stubborn.

-Mac or PC? 


-What are some of your goals on here?

To get maybe...a thousand or more comments and fans on my stories.

-Any one you want to send a shout out to? 

Yes xWhikko, Hey ashton! :D 

-Finally, what would you like to tell your awesome fans?

Well thank you so much for reading my stories, I'm honestly glad you liked it a little bird *cough* ASHTON*cough*  said nobody would like it becuase of my poor grammar V.V Even though english is only languge.Also mention my stories to any of your fans or friends I'd really love it<3

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now