Interview With MysticalLove

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-Oh, hai! Who are you? 

I am Ashlyn, otherwise known as MysticalLove. :P

-A username is meant to describe you in some way. How does your username relate to you? 

I am not the romantic type. I have always said I could never stand a guy that bought me roses on an anniversary or took me for long walks on the beach. But for some odd, odd reason there is something about a secret admirer that I could actually tolerate. Resulting in my username: “Mystical”Love.  

-Do you want to become a published author? Or is writing just for fun? 

It would be great to be recognized for my writing. But, seaming as though my books normally have “PG-13” data, I really don’t want my father to pick up my published book and start reading it. So for the time being, I like my secret identity that belongs to my writing.  

-If you could listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

One song? Hmm… I would have to say ‘Perfect’ by P!nk. The lyrics are so true with today’s society. People make out who you are, and you will believe them. You shouldn’t, you should always believe yourself who you are. And no one else can ruin that. That is the one thing I have always told my siblings. 

But if I had to pick a funny song. It would have to be Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song. Ahah ;)

-What's the most exciting thing you've done in life? 

There was a faze in my life that went all ‘Jon and Kate Plus Eight’ and it got pretty obsessive (ask dina14). I have every season, every magazine they featured with them on it, a t-shirt that said ‘I’d Rather Be Watching Jon and Kate Plus Eight’; I even cried the day I found out they were divorcing.

So when I found out that Kate, herself was coming to my hometown, I nearly screamed. 

That was the most exciting thing I’ve ever done: spent the day with Kate Gosselin. Yes, I am a freak, ask my friends! :P 

-How can comments from your fans encourage you to write more of a story? 

Even if the comment says, ‘You suck’ at least I know I have hate fans. Just kidding, but it really helps me. I know after I have to improve some where, even if it’s just to add in a comma where I forgot it.

-iPhone or BlackBerry? 

Blackberry, defiantly. iPhones annoy me. Always pressing something. Butt dialing… Urg!

-Who would you like to send a shout out to? 

My Bestfriends: Carissa (hiddendreamer). I love you girlies with all my heart and it breaks it to think we are parting ways next year, Car. You know all my secrets and all my dreams. I want you to know that, you’ll always be my number one girl. And I promise you a spot as my maid-of-honour. We have been through so much together. 

-Do you have any goals on Wattpad? 

Yes, I have noticed how incredibly hard it is to get in the top 100 on the What’s Hot List. And that’s my number one goal. That and win, something. Even if it’s the dead last place in Watty Awards. At least I’ve accomplished something.

-Would you like to say anything to your fans?

Don’t stop commenting, just because you think I don’t read them. I do, and truthfully, that’s what keeps me going.

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now