Interview With courttssx3

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-Bonjour! What's your name?

Hai thuur!

Courtney {:

-Is there some sort of secret meaning behind your username? Or is it rAnDoM? 

It's pretty much my email address, haha. Minus a few characters. So it's random :p

-Describe yourself in one epic word.

Amazing. ;D

-Are you listening to music right now? If so, what song/artist?

Indeed I am! Uhh, Get low - Lil John & The East Side Boyz x]

-What is your overall opinion of Wattpad?

It's pretty decent! :}

-Are you 'going green'? 

Ehh. Kind of, haha. Not overly.

-Mac or PC? 


-What are some of your goals on here?

Uh, I don't really have any x] Make new friends, I guess? I write for fun, not to get recognition, so I'm not broken up if people don't read my stuff, haha. 

-Any one you want to send a shout out to?

Ah, sure :} 

Derick, Jaden, Richie and Chanelle; You guys rockk. And I love you all :D

-Finally, what would you like to tell your awesome fans?

Stay awesome ;D

Interviews With Wattpad Writers: Edition 1Where stories live. Discover now