To Lose

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Suddenly wide awake Sehun's eyes went wide in surprise. Hayoung...did what?

"You despicable fool! How dare you! What did you do!?" His mother screamed slapping the table.

Regaining himself he turned away tired of looking at her.

"I wasn't going to do it anyway."

Another bitter snort seemed to come through and his mother nodded angrily.

"Right, ok," his mother said angrily, "don't think this is the end of it. You just wait and see."

Not afraid of her threats he asked, "Are you done with me then?"

Shooting her a last look he slid the chair back and walked away with his hands in his pockets. As he walked to his car he couldn't shake it off that Hayoung had asked for the end of their engagement. He thought she wanted his answer before making her move. Sehun was definitely sure he would have been the first one to call it off, but Hayoung had beat him.

This was...quite a surprise.

Sehun found himself smiling out of surprise and guilt when he walked down the driveway toward the road. But now that that was out of the way, he just needed to get with Ki Hoon.


It was so quiet in her room she could hear the sun rays jingling as they entered her room. The window beside her bed was the only view of the world she had in her room, but even that she had no energy to look at. If she looked outside she'd think of all the cruelty that existed. To know the weight of the hurt in her heart was too much.

Hayoung realized last night exactly just how much she liked Sehun.

And she liked him very much. It went on to the point that she would rather him be in happiness than in her world. Her dream wedding might not have him, but Sehun's dream wedding wasn't with her either. He loved Ki Hoon's mother to the point of no return.

She never knew it could hurt so much to hear him say someone else's name and not her own. Her heart was a pit of sorrow and emptiness; there wasn't much there honestly. She'd wished to build memories with Sehun so that the emptiness may be replaced with a happier world. Hayoung wanted to climb a new level in life and view every beautiful thing from a new angle. Perhaps, that wish didn't match her.

She'd have to wait some more time to find what was right for her.

To look at Sehun in his situation didn't make her happy. In her whole life she had never seen someone cry so miserably. Because of that she realized he really needed to protect his happiness.

There was a knock on her door, "Sehun is here."

After some mental preparation she found Sehun standing outside, his back to her as he viewed the blossoming flowers. Right in front of her even he looked as alone as ever. She suddenly thought no one deserved to be alone.

In pain, but still willing to be a part of his life anyway she bravely stepped forward.

"Hi," Hayoung greeted pausing alongside him and clamped her hands at her back. "I'm guessing you heard."

"Yea," he nodded.

"Can you tell me one thing?"

Sehun slowly turned to look at her as if searching for some kind of expression in her face before nodding, "Mm..."

"Have you liked me at all? Just once, during this whole time?"

And it burned.

"I can tell," Sehun started, "you're very sincere. Everything you do comes from your heart with passion."

End of the RoadOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant