Little Family

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Proud and happy.

Those were the only two words that correctly described his feelings at that moment. Ki Hoon wasn't as heavy as he'd thought him to be. The warmth that spread from his small boy's body to his hands told him this was no dream.

He was really holding his own son and his heart cried at the realization.

The first time. It was really the first time he'd touched his son.

A laugh of happiness strummed across his lips and he further tightened his arms around the 3 year old. Sehun loved this existence so much.

And he hoped that as Namjoo looked them on; that her heart was crying the same way his was. Sehun was sure that she'd waited for this too. He promised he wouldn't let her do it alone anymore.

They were his. Namjoo and Ki Hoon were both his.

Minutes later they sat down at a bus stop some way down the street. A sweet solemn silence swooned over them as they stared down the quiet street. To his unexpectation, he was focusing more on Ki Hoon than he'd thought he would. He'd thought to enjoy some time with Namjoo since she would have to come along, but he actually only paid attention to the presence in his arms.

Without Namjoo he'd never have Ki Hoon. He was surprised that Ki Hoon had refused to go with him, but he was even more surprised with how he was so attached to Namjoo. To see that showed him Ki Hoon was indeed his son.

Sehun felt the same way toward Namjoo too.

"He sleeps well," Sehun commented, daring to reach a hand up to feel his fingertips brush Ki Hoon's hair.

Sehun felt prideful. When people walked passed and shot glances their way, he wanted to let them know this was his son. In the future he'd become a great person and do what he wanted. His son would achieve his goals at great heights and everyone would acknowledge him.

He would be the best dad his son would ever have, and he'd be the only one. Sehun wanted to be someone Ki Hoon would look up to, want to be like, and someone he wouldn't be afraid of. He just wanted to be the best of the best for him.

"Where are we going?" Namjoo questioned.

"I wanted to take him to the playground by my place," Sehun explained, "there are lots of kids there, but that doesn't matter now."

Sehun felt infatuated. He just wanted to spend time looking at who was his. Ki Hoon was so perfect in all ways.

"Is he like me?" Sehun was hesitant, but asked anyway.

Deep inside, he wanted Ki Hoon to resemble him in many ways for the recognition that he was his son. Ki Hoon should have similar habits, but still be pretty like his mother. Ki Hoon should follow in his steps so that when he grew up he'd be able to protect his mother.

"When he eats, he chews like you. He smiles and laughs like you too. He'll probably develop other similar habits as he grows. I'm thinking he'll grow up to look like you," Namjoo told.

It hit him then that Namjoo memorized specifics of him. How he ate, how he slept, how he moved, smiled, and laughed. If she knew these, how often had she thought of him during the three years they spent apart? It meant...Namjoo had never really forgotten him. Sehun was confident of that.

Ki Hoon turned his head surprising him. Withdrawing his hand he glanced down to see that Ki Hoon was awake. His son's eyelids fluttered as he grasped for where he was and why. If he cried, Sehun would try to comfort him. Sehun wasn't afraid, he wouldn't be afraid. He believed these were the tasks of a good father and he would definitely be one.

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