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Too locked up with his intensifying pain and questions, Sehun was unable to hear the approaching footsteps.


Pivoting around to see Hayoung behind him he recalled abandoning her earlier.

"What's wrong?" Hayoung looked worried. "Do you know her?"

Yes or no?

If he hurt Hayoung and his mother found out, he'd be forced to move back home. Sehun liked being by himself; it had been kind of what saved him after Namjoo's disappearance. At home, no one liked seeing him remember Namjoo. When he was by himself, he could set out anything that reminded him of her. He could stare and get lost into space. His apartment was his personal space.

Not even Hayoung had been there before.


"Why did you come? I'm not done until two hours."

"I..." Sehun felt his mind fall into an abyss of darkness with the way Namjoo had looked at him.

It hurt and he wanted to curl up to cry.

"Wanted to surprise you," he pulled on another smile of pretense and watched her face light up.


"10 minutes," Luhan glanced at his watch when Namjoo stepped out of the cab with Ki Hoon in her arms.

"Early or late?"

He stared at her with contradiction before jokingly smiling, "Early." Then glancing at Ki Hoon said, "Fell asleep?"

"He was crying when I picked him up." Namjoo explained.

"Poor boy; here, I'll help you," Luhan stretched his arms out to take the sleeping Ki Hoon from her.

Namjoo watched Luhan pat her son's back once his head fell on the broad shoulder. Still asleep and relaxed, Ki Hoon took a sigh wrapping his tiny hands around Luhan's shoulders.

"He still likes me after all," Luhan announced happily then claimed proudly, "the only man he likes."

The corner of her lip flew up with a sort of laugh before he opened the door for her.

"My parents are waiting for you. They're going to be a bit disappointed he's sleeping."

His hand brushed her back before he closed the door behind them. Luhan and his family were her saviors. It was all thanks to them that she'd given birth to Ki Hoon safely and they helped provide for her during her less fortunate months. That winter when she was bound to sleep outside at four months, Luhan found her and brought her to his home. His kind family befriended her and took to supplying her with maternity clothes, diapers, milk, and baby clothes when Ki Hoon arrived.

She wasn't sure she would ever be able to repay them.

Sometimes, Namjoo wanted to cry because she was so grateful but Luhan and his family didn't want her tears.

"Is he sleeping?" Luhan's mother rose from the chair she was sitting in. "Oh the baby."

"Must have had a hard day, huh?" His father commented walking over to stroke Ki Hoon's head. "Bring him to bed. Let him sleep for a bit." Then turning to her said, "You must be tired, come eat. We were just waiting for you."

Namjoo offered them a smile and watched Luhan's mother walk away with her son. When she turned Luhan was glancing at her with a smile, but quickly turned away.

Setting a hand at the back of her head he urged, "Lets eat."

"How is your pay coming?" His mother questioned after placing some food onto her plate when they surrounded the table richly filled up with food.

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