The Means of Protection

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Sehun had fallen asleep again. He only awoke when someone shook him. Upon waking he first looked at the time to see that it was almost 11:00.

Grumbling he sat up wondering why he his alarm hadn't woken him up. Ki Hoon was sitting up on the bed beside him looking wary and somewhat impatient.

"Man come." He seemed to announce.

Sehun gently pressed his hand down onto the boy's head before getting up to get dressed. It didn't take long to realize that his phone, his wallet, and his keys were nowhere to be found. Searching around the clean room brought him upon frustration and impatience.

He had placed them clearly onto his desk yesterday. Where could they have gone if they hadn't grown their own feet?

Pausing in step he turned to look at Ki Hoon who was starting to climb off the bed.

"Did you say someone came in here?" Sehun asked.

Before his son could reply there was a knock on the door which quickly sent Ki Hoon running toward him. Grabbing his leg Ki Hoon hid behind him as if he were a tree.

It was one of the maids that took charge of cleaning the upper level of the mansion. There were some clothes in her hands.

"A change of clothes for him," the maid explained, "his bath is ready."

Sehun gelt Ki Hoon's small hands tighten around his leg.

"What?" Sehun asked.

"For the boy..." the maid seemed timid, as she spoke her head slightly lowered as if it were a violation to look into Sehun's face.

"He's my son," Sehun clarified a little roughly as if he wanted everyone to acknowledge it. "Where are my stuff? Who came into my room?"

"I don't know, sir," she answered. "I was just told to deliver the clothes."

Sehun felt like blowing up at her for being so general with her answers. He had a feeling she knew more than she was saying, but he couldn't waste time being angry with them. The very thing on his mind was to return Ki Hoon home.

"Is there breakfast?" Sehun asked.

The maid nodded.

"Bring some up."

The maid set the clothes aside before leaving the room. When she left Ki Hoon poked his head to the side before letting go of his leg. Since there was no one to trust and cling onto, Ki Hoon had no choice, but to do so to Sehun who he only knew here.

Kneeling down onto a knee Sehun turned his son toward him, "Do you want to take a bath? Get clean?"

Ki Hoon stared at him silently as if he'd forgotten that he'd just talked with Sehun earlier.

"Want Han Han."

Sehun stared at his son quietly.

"Call Han Han." Ki Hoon said before adding, "Please."

And it melted Sehun's heart with all the innocence in Ki Hoon. Of course, of course he'd do anything for his son.

"I'll call him," Sehun promised. "You stay here, ok?"

Excitedly nodding Ki Hoon smiled.

Making his way downstairs Sehun walked from room to room for the home phone. His parents should both be out at work attending some conference or traveling by plane to their destination for whatever. It wasn't hard for him to see that his mother was trying to keep him in the house; him and Ki Hoon.

She would go to all ends in order to prevent Ki Hoon from returning home, but Sehun would do whatever he could to return him. Then he'd find some way out of this hell hole. A part of him always believed his mother had some good to her, that part of him was quickly melting now. Once she dragged his son into their mess, it was all over for him.

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