Chapter ?

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Sorry it's been so long. I;m not sure if everything is going to be uploaded right because it's been so long....but oh well. This is it, but if something fails to make sense, please let me know!! Thank you!

...And I'm wondering if I already posted this...

Chapter 30

     “Derek.” A whisper cut into the comfortable silence.

     I immediately turned towards the sound of my own name. The room was dark, but I could see some light coming through from the crack in the door. It was Mrs. Thomas.

     “Derek are you in here?” She whispered a little louder.

     Instead of responding, I tried maneuvering myself around Samantha because I really didn’t want to wake her up. It took almost a half an hour before she was calmed down enough just to breathe normally.

     Just as I was almost off the bed, I bumped into a nightstand and knocked something off of it. It stunted a chain reaction because I tried catching whatever fell, tripped over a cord, and fell on Samantha.

     Samantha was shrieking and screaming as she flailed her arms all over trying to get me off of her. Obviously, she didn’t know who I was in the dark.

     “Hey,” I said softly and grabbed her by the shoulders, “it’s just me.” The struggle she was putting up stopped and I felt her muscles relax.

     “Oh thank God.” I heard her mumble before her mother turned on the light.

     When the lights flicked on I was still gripping Sam by the shoulders. My arms fell to my side and hung down. Both Sam and I squinted at the change of light. Neither of us were really all that awake. Of course, I’d never actually slept, but sometimes I wondered if I was really asleep and everything was all just a dream.

     “Hi Mrs. Thomas.” I said. She didn’t respond, but instead continued to stare. When she didn’t answer I asked, “Are you okay, Mrs. Thomas?”

     She blinked.

     “Mom?” Samantha chimed in.

     All of a sudden her mom was back to normal and acting just like herself.

     “I just got a call from Mrs. O’Connor.” She told Samantha. “It’s about Bryce.”

     Samantha’s expression darkened and her eyes clouded a little before she put on her strong face back on, her expression as emotionless as a serial killer. She took a step forward and I felt her arm brush mine. “If it’s about the search getting called off, then I already know.” She told her mother glumly.

     “No, honey.” Her mom corrected. “They just got a call.”

     “Is he okay?” Samantha asked quickly.

     “Yes, Sammy, he’s fine. The police think they have a lead on a major drug break and there’s been security film handed over to the station that has a man on it that fits the description of Bryce.” Samantha stood there, stunned. “Sammy,” Mrs. Thomas asked, “Are you alright, sweet heart?”

     Sam’s face slowly shifted from a grimace to a full-fledged smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just so…” I saw her eyes roll back as she searched for the right word to use, “happy.” She finished her sentence.

     Samantha’s smile widened even more and she reached out both arms, taking her mom and I both in one long, tight hug. Minutes of hugging passed and I closed my eyes, thinking about a little of everything. Mrs. Thomas was the one to pull back. “I forgot,” she directed her words at me, “Lexie called looking for you a little while ago. I told her you’d be right over.”

     “What time is it?” I questioned.

     She glanced at the watch on her wrist and looked back up smiling. “Just after midnight.”

     “Alright, I guess I’ll have to—”

     “No!” Same stopped me. “Don’t leave yet. I’m going to call Brandon’s mom and I want you to be here.”

     “O—okay.” I stuttered, confused at the demand.

     “God, I’m bossy. Sorry about that. You don’t have to stay if you don’t—”

     “Yeah,” I looked into her gorgeous shining eyes. “I do.” Before I was done admiring her, she was burying her face in my chest and hugging me tightly. I routinely put my hands lightly around her waist and hugged her back.

     Everything about the moment felt great; Almost perfect. The only improvement that could’ve been made was her knowing how I really felt.

     Instead of making myself miserable to my own mind, I closed my eyes and relaxed while I held onto Samantha. Her body was warm and I could smell traces of outside on her. She smelled nice, but I wished she smelled like me. I wished I could kiss her and love her, but at the same time I knew that I couldn’t.

     “Derek.” I snapped out of my thoughts.

     “What?” I asked.

     “Are you gonna let go?”

     “Oh.” I dropped my hands from her waist. “Sorry.” We both straightened up and turned awkwardly silent. “Well, I better….”

     “Yeah, you’re right. It’s kind of late.” I hustled down the stairs and sensed that she was following me. The thought occurred to me that even though I knew tons of things about her, I wanted to even more. I wanted to be able to know what she’d do before she could figure it out.

     Yawning, I opened the door and dreaded having to get up and do chores in only four hours. “Congrats on Bryce, but this boy needs some sleep.” I told her, referring to myself.

     “You look beat. Let me drive you.” She insisted.

     “No, you don’t have to—” I cut off with another yawn. “Alright.”

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