1/2 of Chapter 14--Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops

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hey, sorry this one took sooooo long. been busy and everything. life gets crazy sometimes and it sucks worse than... well, a lot of stuff. hope you guys like it. im tired so if theres lots of mistakes youll have to deal with it until im ready to fix them. =D lol. sorry about that. going on about five hours of sleep every night. dont make me a very happy camper. speaking of camping... im gonna camp out in my backyard this weekend. isnt that great?? actually itll probably be dumb and ill go back in and eat food or something. anyways, see ya guys. love ya, fans especially. (i dont say ya, btw. im not a yooper.) (Not that i dont luv yoopers, cuz i do.) (i mean yoopers are great) (im serious. i love em to death) (im thinking about moving there or something just for the accent) (wouldnt it be awesome to have that accent) (i think so) (i have to pee) (i guess im going to go then) (love you) (vote) (fan) (comment, please) (ENJOY!!!!!)

(off to pee.)




Chapter 14-One House Down the Road.

November 21st

Apparently I forgot to close the curtains because sunlight came down through my window and woke me up. It didn't help that the snow reflected the light and sent it right back up through the window and at my face.

I looked around my room and mind flashed back to the dance the night before. The snowmobile stuff was lying on the floor where I'd changed out of my clothes. I sat up in bed and yawned which was what I did first thing in the morning every day. Then I stood up and headed downstairs taking two stairs at a time.

I was in an extremely good mood because of how well the dance had gone. I just couldn't get Samantha Thomas off my mind.

"Good morning Aunt Lexie." I said once I got into the kitchen from upstairs.

"You're finally awake." She said. I glanced at the clock and realized it was almost 10:00. I hadn't slept that late in probably a year. "They've been out there waiting for you for almost an hour."

"They?" I eyed her suspiciously. What was she talking about? "Who's they?" Aunt Lexie smiled.

"Your uncle," she told me, still smiling. "and Samantha Thomas."

This time I had the smile forming on my face.

"No way." I jumped up from my chair.

"Yeah. She's been out there for over a half-an-hour waiting for you. You better hurry up before your uncle scares her away with....well, you know how he can be." I laughed, knowing what she meant. My uncle Rob could be a little different sometimes. I grabbed a crappy jacket off one of the hooks in the mud room. Just as I went out the door I heard my Aunt Lexie yell behind me. "Don't forget your chores!"

I jumped off the porch and started walking to the barn.

Going against the wind, I got out to the barn in my favorite jeans and a plaid shirt with a jacket over it. I was in such a hurry that I didn't grab my winter jacket. When I opened the barn door I didn't see Sam anywhere, but I saw Uncle Rob.

"Look who's finally up." he said. "Long night, eh?" He referred to the dance.

"Definitely, but it was great." I informed him, smiling at the memories.

"I'd say so, considering who's here, ya know." He thought he was one step ahead of me so I let him keep talking. "Samantha Thomas is in the calf barn." Uncle Rob blurted out. "She's been waiting for you."

"Lex told me," I said, "but why didn't you wake me up?"

"Samantha wouldn't let us. She wanted to wait, don't ya know. Now she's feeding the calves, eh."

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