Prologue to

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November 2nd, 2008.

Every person has their own problems. Relationships. Friendships. Too fat. Too skinny. Can't get into a good college. You name it, someone has it. If everyone has their own problems, though, then why do people seem to think that their problems in particular are so much more ground-shaking than someone else's? People always just assume that just because something horrible is going on in their lives that nobody is worse off that they are. I'd seen it happen to my mother. I'd seen it happen to my father. I'd seen it happen to my brother. And I'd seen it happen to Sam.  

And through it all, maybe that's one of the only things I'd change--seeing the people I love so unhappy. I looked at my life and sure, maybe I didn't do everything that I'd always wanted to do, but if I had then I'm sure I would've found something else that I'd want to try.  

These past few months had been a journey and the roads might have turned and twisted along the way, but I'd still have wound up in the same place; here on this bed holding her hand.

"I love you." She whimpered.  

"I know."  

She leaned over me and kissed my forehead.  

And with my last breath I barely managed my last four words. I'd saved them for her; She was the one who truly needed to hear them.  

"I love you, too."  

I felt myself fade into the background and when I could no longer keep my eyes open, they fell shut. The last thing I heard was the sound of her crying.


hope you liked it :D  

the picture to the right is the closest that I could find to the girl named sam  

she's brittany underwood from one life to live, which is a soap opera

If it's so obvious that everyone has their own problems, though, then why do people seem to think that their own problems are so much more ground-shaking than someone else's? People always just assume that just because something bad is going on in their lives that nobody is worse off that they are.

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