Chapter 40--Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops

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Alright, this is the end of the road. This is the last chapter, but I want you to know that I appreciate the comments, the critisism, the long nights some of you spent craning your necks over my story, the votes, becoming my fans....everything...I appreciate it all. I loved this so much and it was a journey for me. It's been a long road, and now that it's come to an end. It's crazy, don't you think, that it's been only slightly over a year...and it's gotten me so much? Well, tell me what you think and thank you to Blitzluver, MsRenzyBenzy, ParamoreRocks, katearmstrong, blueskiesgrayclouds, and jacosea. You guys are the ones that made it all possible for me.


Chapter 40

     Bryce was pronounced dead on January 5th at 5:12 P.M. They took his body away, simply wheeling it out of the room. Oliver tried talking to his wife about funeral arrangements, but she didn’t want to hear it. She cried so hard that she shook, bawling and whimpering. Around six-o’clock, the O’Connors were somewhat composed. I offered to drive them home and they both nodded, following me out to the parking lot.

     I got in on the drivers side and Oliver sat in the back with his wife. It was easy to see that he was trying to be the strong one, holding his wife in his arms, but it was obvious that he was broken inside. I turned the radio off when the car started knowing that music wasn’t appropriate for this moment in time.

     The car ride was only about five minutes, but it seemed like hours. Nobody talked and all I could hear was the steady hum of the engine. I was trying to keep myself composed, making sure not to think of anything that had potential to make me cry. I didn’t want to be forced to pull over because I was letting my emotions get the better of me.

     We finally arrived back at their house, and I slowly brought the car to a stop in the driveway. We all unbuckled, but remained in the car.

     “Samantha?” Oliver murmured.

     “Yes?” I asked.

     “Thank you.”

     I felt tears reaching my eyes. “You don’t have to thank me.” I felt my voice crack. “I should be thanking you. You brought Brandon to me and blessed me with knowing two amazing people like you and your wife. I owe you my everything.” Turning to look at them, we exchanged smiles and held back tears.

     “We would understand if you wanted to call some of your old friends. If you want to you could even invite them over. I know we aren’t much help to you.”

     “You,” I said, taking a hand of each of the O’Connors, “are all I could ever ask for.”

     Then all at once, we got out of the car. We all hugged in the driveway, crying together. I was the first to pull back. “I hope you don’t mind, but I think I’m going to take a walk.” I whispered. They nodded with understanding.

     Many thoughts raced through my head as I grew farther and farther away from their driveway. I knew I had to go home soon, but I didn’t want to leave them all alone to face a heartbreak of this degree. They had nobody. Brandon had told me that all of his grandparents had passed except for his Grandma on the O’Connor side, who was in assisted living. Oliver had two brothers, one of which was an alcoholic and the other one was a bachelor who traveled a lot. Mrs. O’Connor had only a sister and from what it sounded like to me, they hadn’t talked for years. If I left I knew I’d feel guilty, but it wasn’t my job to get them back on their feet. I had to focus on school and building my future. My mom would probably come and get me soon if I stayed any longer.

     As I walked, one thing became clear to me; life goes on. It had taken me a long time to figure it out, but I finally had. No matter how much loss, or sorrow, or debt a person is undergoing, as long as they put up a good fight, life will continue on and eventually get better. This time, I promised, I wouldn’t get hung up on the death of Bryce. Life is precious and beautiful. I knew I couldn’t waste any more of it than I already had.

     With a trace of a smile on my face, I walked further and further from the O’Connor’s. Though the sun was beginning to set, I knew the roads well and remained on the side walk. I’d never realized it when I’d lived in Layton, but the sunset of Utah was gorgeous. The different colors blended together as if it was magic.

     Cars zipped passed me and sometimes people noticed who I was and waved. I’d wave back, knowing they didn’t know my pain. I knew that I’d eventually have to turn around and go back, but I didn’t care. If I would’ve turned around at that moment I’d even be able to make it back before it was pitch black. Instead, I kept walking.

     By that point in time, twilight was setting in and day was turning to night. More people waved from their cars, but I didn’t wave back, simply because I didn’t have the energy.

     Finally, I came to the bridge that Brandon and I had stood on so many times before. I looked at the water, knowing it could very well be my last time seeing it. It ran over the rocks so smoothly and I loved hearing the steady trickling noise that it made as it rushed towards the lake. My hair flew around in the wind and I noted that it was starting to cool off. Memories of Brandon putting his jacket on my shoulders drifted into my mind, but this time I smiled. I knew that I’d never cry over him again. For once, the thought of getting over him made me happy. He was behind me, but I’d still love him forever.

     Suddenly my thoughts were distracted by the sound of tires on gravel. A truck was pulling to the shoulder of the road, just off the bridge. Turning back to the river, I disregarded the noise and went back to thinking until I heard the footsteps. At the sound of the footsteps, I turned around to see who was there.

     I felt my stomach drop inside of me when I saw who it was.

     “Derek!” I launched myself at him with tears welling from my eyes. I didn’t believe what I was seeing until he was cradling me in his arms. I smelled his sweet scent and took it all in.

     What I felt at that moment was indescribable. The happiness built up inside of me and I shuttered in his arms, crying violent tears of happiness and relief. He held me in his arms and rocked me back and forth in the middle of the road.

     “I can’t believe you followed me!” I wailed.

     “And I can’t believe it took me three days to realize that I had to follow you.” He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. For a minute, nothing mattered except for me and him. “I missed you, Samantha.” I couldn’t speak, so I nodded in return.

     When I finally calmed down enough to speak, Derek took my hand, tracing small circles in my palm with his thumb. I was still crying with the same pathetic smile on my face. Occasionally Derek would glance my way, but then drop the gaze as if he was shy. Then, finally, he drew me close and kissed me.

     “Samantha?” He inquired.


     “Do you remember what you told me Brandon said to you when I followed you into the woods? About tears and raindrops?”

     “Yes.” I replied, wondering why he was bringing it up.

     “Well, I think Brandon was wrong about one thing.” He said.

     “What would that be?” I asked him softly.

     “Tears don’t always mean that the sun isn’t shining.” He closed his eyes for a brief second and continued. “Sometimes they mean something else.”

     “And what’s that?” I murmured.

     “Love.” He whispered and leaned in to kiss me again.

         *The End*


I thought about adding epilouge, but I thought I ended it perfectly:) Thanks again guys, for everything. It means the world to me. Comments?:)

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