Chapter 13--Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops

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This is a mini chapter, if that's what you want to call it. Even though it's short I thought it deserved a chapter all to itself. What's happening is stupid of Bryce and I'm 100% against drugs. I guess that's part of the reason that I'm adding this to the story. I want people to realize what they can do. Pretty soon you guys will see the concequences and I hope that people will really take it to heart. Thanks for reading!!!

I love all my fans--Thank you guys!!!

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ENJOY IT!!!!!!!! :D

Chappy 14 will probably be up tomorrow, but I'm leaving for the weekend so it'll be up Monday at the latest. Thanks guys, Enjoy!! :D

Happy 4th of July (For all you USAers) if I dont post by then :D



Chapter 13-Treading Water

Sometimes if life there are people that you cannot live without. I was living without two of them, if living was what you could call it.

I stared blankly out the windshield of my mom's SUV. I really shouldn't have been driving it, especially since she didn't know about it. I liked to think of it more as borrowing. Everything had been passing in a daze lately, but this was the first time I was going out since...that one time. I'd been making sure not to even think his name.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew where I was going and I followed that instinct right to 711 Mason Street.

Wobbly, I got out from the SUV and made my way to the door. A tall kid with spacers and chains on his pants answered. I was so high that I didn't notice the way he glared at me. I started to take a step into the house, but the tall kid pushed me back.

"Hey, buddy." The guy said angrily, "Where in the hell do you think you're going?"

"The party?" I asked wondering why he wouldn't let me through. What did I do?

"What's the password?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"He can come in." A kid named Max said from behind him.

"Step aside." I pushed the other guy away while I walked through the door. "Max, my man!" We raised our hands to do a high-five, but I missed and hit him in the shoulder.

There was music in the background. It was loud. I went to go check out the crib, but some of the rooms were just so damn bright.

For the first time I realized there were other people, too. They were dancing and drinking. Some were in the bedrooms getting dirty.

I guess you could say that I was a little young for the senior parties, but I always got invited because of my....connections. I walked to the kitchen and got a beer from the fridge. It was something I've never done because....somebody....wouldn't let me. I drank it down and went back to the living room.

After that everything was hazy. I remember finding a blond girl. She was drunk, too, and we started making out on the couch. She was on top of me and we were really going at it. I could tell she was older because she really knew what she was doing. All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey man." The guy with the chains on his pants said. "You should try this." He handed me what looked like a cigarette. I grabbed it and he handed me a lighter.

That was the first time that I ever used marijuana. But definitely not the last.

"Can I buy some off you?" I asked when I was done smoking it. Damn, did I feel great.

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