Chapter 8--Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops

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Okay, so this one's a little short, too. Sorrrrrryyyyy. I just thought where I ended it was the perfects spot, okay?? Don't worry! I'll have some more up later... okay... so that was a little cheesy. lol. Anyways.... hope you like this :D Vote, Fan, Comment, BUT....


Chapter 8

Derek's POV

Sam's eyes flashed to mine instantly when I told her what my mother had done. I'd never really told anyone before. Either they didn't ask or I'd tell them not to bother asking because I wasn't going to let them know how it happened. If worst came to worst, I'd tell them there was a car crash. But with Sam... That was a whole different story. I'd pried her about something just for the sake of knowing. I kind of figured a city girl would want to brag about all the boyfriends and breakups she's gone through, but Sam stayed quiet. I basically made her tell me. And what happened was just so horrible I couldn't wrap my arms around it.

Speaking of arm-wrapping, my arm was still around her, except I was pressing her against me. I loosened my arm a bit, but left it there because I still wasn't sure if either of us were mentally stable. At least I was trying to convince myself that that's the reason why my arm was around her.

Sam's POV

It had to have been at least midnight and my long day was catching up with me. I was hungry, I was tired, and because of Derek's story I was sad. Without thinking, I rested my head on Derek's shoulder while we walked. I could barely keep my eyes open. I felt Derek turn his neck and cast his gaze on me.

We were almost there.

Just a little bit farther.

I closed my eyes and trusted Derek to take me home, but that went down the drain faster than a Ferrari going 200 down a highway. "Samantha Mildred Thomas, get your butt in this house this instant!" My eyes popped open.

"Your middle name is Mildred?" Derek tried to force back a smile, but instead let out a laugh. I rolled my eyes.

"Would you shut up." It was more of a command than a question.

I jerked away from Derek and freed myself from his arm. "I gotta go." I took off running for our porch, but stopped half way and turned around. "And Derek?" I shouted across the yard to him. He turned around looking at me with a faint smile formed with his lips.

"What?" He hollered back.

"See you at 6:30."

I really got it in the morning. "What the heck were you thinking, Sam! You had no clue where you were! You could've been killed." My mom yelled. She was pissed.

"I didn't think-"

"Obviously you didn't think, Sam. Do you realize how many people we woke up to look for you? You're lucky that kid-"

"His name is Derek." I volunteered. It went unappreciated.

"I don't give a darn what his name was. You're just lucky he found you before you froze to death."

"I'm really sorry and I-"

"This is about Brandon, isn't it?" She said in a normal voice. "He's the reason you went out there last night."

"I already told you mom; I was out there because I decided to take a walk and went too far before I realized that it was dark out."

"I'm calling a counselor. You're depressed, Sam, and you need to get better."

Let's Pretend My Tears Are RaindropsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora