Chapter 26--Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops

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Well, well, well...look what we've got here. Another chapter!

Unfortunately, the last chapter I put up only got a total of FOUR votes! What's up with that? What happened to all the faith. Ugh. Well anyways, thanks to those who stuck me through and are reading this right now. Love ya'll very very much and I can't wait to hear your wonderful comments.

As for the unfaithful people who left me...well....let's hope you get back on the right path. :) jk.


thanks for the support. Read it, Vote it, Fan it, Add it to your library, facebook it, tweet it, but.... LOVE IT!!!!


Chapter 26

     Since we were only about fifteen miles from home, Derek decided to have Rob come pick us up in his truck. Towing was behind and my mom and dad could go pick up my car tomorrow. It all worked out just fine, so why be cold? Within a half-an-hour, Rob was there.

     Derek and I illegally double-buckled ourselves into the same seat. To be honest it didn't bother me because he was like a space heater compared to my cold body.

     "So, Derek," Rob said, "I got a few calls from Charity while you were gone." Derek glanced at me before he looked at his sorta-kinda-dad.

     "The movie sucked, Uncle Rob." He said bluntly, not denying anything.

     "Derek," He warned, "What you did was extremely rude. You owe Charity an apology, especially since she's such a great friend to you."

     "I know, I know. I promise that I'll give her a call tomorrow after-"

     "It was my idea." I cut in, lying. I didn't want Derek to get into trouble after the great day that we'd had. "I'm sorry." I apologized. "I was wrong." Even though I hadn't really done anything, I felt ashamed. Staring down at my feet, I felt ashamed.

     Rob didn't say anything after that. All I could hear was the snow hitting the windshield while the windshield wipers swished back and forth. For whatever reason, I started to feel really, really tired. Allowing my head to rest on Derek's shoulder, I went deeper and deeper into unconsciousness. One of the last things I remembered was Derek putting his arm around me. I also remember me not minding one bit.

     Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep! My alarm woke me up on Monday morning. Drowsily, I stared around my room trying to remember how I'd gotten there. When did I even go to bed? My mind raced to find an answer, but all it found was enough energy for a yawn.

     Stretching, I stood up. One look out the window told me I was driving myself to school today. There was so much snow on the ground that it'd be impossible to walk any further than the end of the driveway without turning into a giant icicle.

     I dug through my closet and found a pair of jeans that I hadn't worn in a while. My weight was finally up enough that I could fit in them again. Then I put on a brown tank top with a beige sweater over it. Actually, the sweater was slightly ugly, but it'd keep me warm.

     Then I grabbed my school things and a piece of toast and ran outside just to realize that my car wasn't there. That was about when I remembered. My mom never picked it up.

     "Shit." I mumbled under my breath. Carrying all my stuff, I ran back into the house and dug through all the keys until I found the keys to my dad's truck. Just as I was walking out the door, Derek pulled into my driveway in and old Chevy pickup, probably from the early 1980's. He looked impatient when I finally hopped into the truck after putting the keys away.

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