Chapter 15--Let's Pretend My Tears Are Raindrops

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Sooooorrrrrryyyyyy!!!!!! I didn't mean for this to take FOREVER to put up! It just took a while to write..... I actually posted this yesterday, but this little message of mine is going up now.... I don't know if you guys even know what I'm talking about, but anyways.... I hope you like this.... I'm proud of this chapter. It took FOREVER to find the perfect words for me to get the feelings right and bring the sentimental value up. (haha... i used a big word--sentimental! lolz) Seriously, though, this had to be perfect because I'm a PURRFECTIONIST!!

So..... Thankies to my fans!! <3I love each and every one of you guys and while I'm at it, Ill letcha know that I'm almost to 50!!! Ahhhhh! That's like 1/2 way to 100! Thats making this a glass 1/2 full kinda day! U people are sooooooooooo freakin amazing! <3<3<3

Hope you vote, fan, comment (really, don't be shy! (lolz) I might bite, but not too hard)

But seriously---

ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (thats an order.)


Chapter 15-Somewhere in the Middle of Nowhere

Almost everything that had ever happened to me was beginning to feel like one giant nightmare that I was finally waking up from. My eyes were opened and my mind was examining everything that had gone wrong in my life, but now it was starting to fade and I was left behind in the aftershock.

My stomach did a funny flippy thing and I knew I was going into a panic attack. Why couldn't I man up and take a little pain once in a while? I glanced at Derek and flung the tears out of my eyes with my hand before I started hyperventilating. I saw concern sweep across his face, but he froze there on the side of the road.

Derek's POV

I didn't know what to do.

I didn't know what to say.

I didn't know how to help.

I was frozen on the side of Fawn Road in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with a depressed city girl who had a dead boyfriend and a pink cell phone with fake diamonds on it in the shape of a heart. What in the hell did I have myself into?

Samantha was hyperventilating and I didn't know how to deal with that sort of thing. All I knew was that I cared about her and I didn't like seeing her like this. She looked like she had pinkeye her eyes were so red.

Without the slightest warning she plopped down in the snow on the side of the old dirt road. She hugged her knees tight to her chest and cried into herself. After that, I didn't think, I just did what I thought I had to do. I plopped right down next to her.

Sam's POV

My eyes were squeezed shut as tightly as I could get them. I felt like a complete idiot. I didn't even let my mom see me like this after Brandon died. I kept this all to myself and when I cried it was usually in the middle of the night when I'd go into the basement to be alone. I felt so exposed and I was worried that Derek would just walk away because I was so pathetic.

That's what I waited for him to do.

While I cried in the snow memories of Brandon flooded me. I felt like my life had no direction and everything I did was pointless. No one cared about me and no matter how hard I tried I'd never be able to live like a normal person again. Brandon was what I got and he was amazing in every single way, but when something's good it'll eventually turn bad one way or another. My life was all about taking one step forward and two steps back until I'd just stop trying anymore. But the question was when that would be. How long could I possibly go on like this?

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