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Noor turned in bed as her hand went to side and when she fluttered open her eyes, she found the bed empty. She sat up wrapping the sheet around her as her eyes searched for Yazaan as he was sitting at the corner in the couch looking outside a plain glass.

Noor grabbed her kurta which was lying on the desk as she pulled it over her head as she stepped out of bed, she noticed Yazaan lost in deep thoughts. Noor had confessed her intentions of settling down with Yazaan few days back which was not well digested by her family as her Mother and Anfal retaliated it to the best of their capabilities, though she was still hanging at her father's answer as he chose to remain silent on all this. Maybe,he was thinking about it as he had hard time making a choice as everyone were trying to win him in their support.

Soon after she did confess her feelings to Yazaan and that evening marked their intimacy reaching new levels crossing all possible boundaries as they ended up in bed wrapped in each other's arms naked. Noor had already submitted herself to Yazaan but he left her at the brink of love-making every time they got close and forgot that world existed for both of them. Yazaan was grateful to hold her in her arms and Noor was happy that she had finally learnt to move over Subhaan.

There was no way she can return back to him anymore. She had willingly submitted her body to someone else and revealed her intentions of marrying him hence, closing all her doors of return to Subhaan. She enjoyed the way Yazaan displayed his love and affection towards her which gave her a new meaning to survive. She felt loved and adored as at times she enjoyed how his eyes gleamed when he looked at her and the satisfied smile he had whenever she was around him brought a satisfaction that at least she was his success that he aimed for. She would feel that though she was defeated in getting the one she had loved so desperately so at least he should marry someone who loved her with all his heart and it was no other person than Yazaan. She loved the way he loved her and she knew that in no time she had grown addicted to him. She would ease away her pain and worries in no time making her feel loved and wanted from his side which was a big support to her shattering soul. She loved seeing so many emotions in his eyes only for her, but time and again she would assure herself that definitely she will learn to reciprocate her feelings for him. Why was she still uncertain and why was she rushing so much without giving herself a thought? Maybe, because she was scared of thinking and finding out that she was still in love with Subhaan and would never succeed in forgetting him.

"Yazaan...why are you upset?" Noor said clearing her throat as his brows were furrowed. He turned to meet his stares as his eyes were bloodshot and she covered it behind his spectacles. Something told me he was crying in silence which worried her.

"I am leaving tomorrow," He said suddenly as Noor's heart fell in her stomach. What had happened and why such a sudden decision?

"Why?" She asked puzzled. Before he could reply she burst at him. "Yazaan! I have decided to settle down with you and you plan to leave me. ...after all that we shared. I have told my parents what I intend to do and you asked me to marry you but now you are leaving me when I am...I am in mid of huge mess!"

"I know all that we shared was improper!" He snapped suddenly as Noor haven't seen this side of Yazaan as he looked different. "I know I have crossed my limits and all I can say is sorry."

"Sorry?" Noor's jaws dropped open at the truth. "That's all you have to say?! Yazaan, I have been sleeping with you from sometime and you tell me that you are sorry and all that happened in a moment of weakness. How many moment of weaknesses you had or you had planned all this? You would run away after you make achievements?"

Noor demanded crossing her arms around her chest angrily. She felt helpless and angry as suddenly she wanted to yell at him.

"Noor...You are still fit to marry anyone you want...I haven't...I haven't actually..." Yazaan said hesitantly as she knew what he was trying to say. She was still a virgin and she should be grateful to him.

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